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a mythological analogy can be used,     of the pre-Islamic literary tradition, which          Islamic era and sees Islamization as a   palace in the center. The Wali Songo
                                   this tradition was also an atmosphere of   always reminded people that, “those who            historical aberration was a cultural affront   assembly’s condemnation of Sheikh
                                   dialogue between left and right wings:   dare to oppose the king / and ruin the               as it ignored the new world Java had   Siti Jenar, with support of the Sultan of
                                   the palace and the pesantren.           country, will be punished”. Not because it            become. Social conflicts were inevitable.   Demak, was not only because of Jenar’s
                                                                           was considered rebellious, but “because               In the same ideological atmosphere,    teachings, but because of his teachings’
                                   One aspect of this double-sided tradition is   the king is always right / the representative   religious leaders who rigidly adhered to   political implications. The pantheistic
                                   that one side may be considered the other   of the Prophet / and the Prophet is the           the conduct and belief systems in the   teachings Jenar propagated had
                                   as counter elites. When viewed from a   representative of God Almighty. The                   shari’ah perspective ---a very common   caused social controversy. Similar to
                                   geographical perspective the coastal areas   Prophet is the Messenger of God / and all        phenomenon in the history of Islam in   Kyai Mutamakin, the figure of the Serat
                                   can be seen as offering an alternative to   His prohibitions apply for everyone”. 41          Java--- can also be seen as a cultural   Cabolek, Sheikh Siti Jenar’s activities
                                   the palace lifestyle and  thus, seen from                                                     disruption. The ulama were culturally   and teachings undermined the Sultan’s
                                   the point of history, the tradition of dialogue   Within this context, the marginalization    treated as foreigners who propagated   authority and that of the saints as well.
                                   can also be seen as a process whose     of pre-Islamic elements was a dilemma                 the “Arab religion”. The ideal figure was   Therefore, his condemnation was a
                                                                           that could not always be overcome even
                                   dynamics are determined to a large extent   if it went gradually as in the tradition of       reflected in the figure of Ketib Anom, the   way of restoring and maintaining the
                                   by the turn of the shifting rhythm of rout   integration. An outsider might call this         main character of the Serat Cabolek,   legitimate power system.
                                   and rally, if for once we follow Toynbee. It   syncretism, but in this tradition, people      who understood both sides of the       Within the tradition of integration, kings
                                   means that at times the two halves of the   wanted to find harmony and conformity.            dialogical divide. However, the dialogue   were often described as the main actors
                                                                                                                                 continued and the santri in their boarding
                                   tradition “fight”, but at other times they are                                                schools continued their “Islamizing” of   in religious movements, and ulama as
                                   “intimate”. However, in terms of palace   The suppression of the truth of old                 cultural symbols. 43                   their right hands. It was Iskandar Thani
                                   political legitimacy and cultural continuity,   religious doctrines by crushing Kawi                                                 who cleansed Aceh from Hamzah
                                   the legalistic understanding of Islam   philosophy similarly meant the rejection              A tradition of dialogue is always needed   Fansuri’s followers, although in actual
                                                                           of the foundation of the Javanese
                                   and pesantren-driven cultural changes   cultural world. Meanwhile the rejection               by the power and the palace world view.   fact he did so at Nuruddin al-Raniri’s
                                   remain problematic. Conflicting situations   of Islamic teachings not only meant a            The palace orthodox style recognizes   instigation. Sultan Iskandar Muda should
                                                                                                                                 the existence of two worlds that should
                                                                                                                                                                        be considered as the builder of the grand
                                   are just one aspect of the tradition that   return to Siwa-Buddha days but it was             be in harmony, both in a situation of
                                   also envisions harmonious relationships   also the denial of history and of the               continuous and haunting centripetal    mosque and the one who ordered his
                                                                                                                                                                        people to adhere to religious teachings.
                                   between the two variants within the     socio-cultural reality. Thus, the Serat               threats, namely minor palaces’ efforts   In the tradition of dialogue, appreciation
                                   same political and cultural world. This   Darmagandul,  which praises the pre-                to escape from the domination of the   should be extended to the saints and
                                   is a tradition where rulers, representing   41.  S. Soebardi (ed. & ten.), The Book of Cabolek:   Javanese and Islam as Ilustrated the Serat   the great religious scholars for important
                                   legitimate authority, and religious scholars   A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation and   Darmagundul”, BKI, 122, 2 (1966), p. 309-365.  religious movements but not to the king.
                                   never failed to pursue close relationships.   Notes, a Contribution to the Study of the Javanese   43.  See for example R. Poedjosoebroto, Wayang   Not the Sultan, but the Wali Songo built
                                                                           Mystical Tradition (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,
                                   This tradition highly respected clerics who   1975), p. 52-3.                                 Lambang Ajaran Islam. Jakarta: Pradnya Pramita,   the Holy Mosque of Demak. Indeed,
                                                                                                                                 1978: H. Effendi Zakarsi, Unsur Islam dalam
                                   were also proficient in  the language (kawi)   42.  G.W.J. Drewes “The Struggle Between       Perwayangan, Jakarta: Alfa Day a, 1981.  it was the Wali Songo, not the Sultan,

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