P. 222

they were considered the sources of the   individuals and non-formal groups in   the expression of fondness to all good   books, the Durrat al-fara’id bi sharh
 digression from Islamic theology.    society. Consequently, we may assume   deeds and dissociation of all evil ones).    al-aqa’id, which is a Malay translationof
 Al-Raniri can be considered as an early,   that manuscript copies of the Hidayat   Unfortunately, there is no information   the Arabic Sharh al-aqa’id by Sa’d
 controversial‘ulama in the Indonesian-  al-habib may still be found in private   about what version was used for the   al-Din al-Taftazani (d. 791 A.H./1377/8
 Malay world but he was also a prolific   collections. Tarmizi, one of the collectors   published text and thus deeper studyis   A.D.). Naquib al-Attas asserted that the
 ‘alimactive for Islamic renewal through   of Acehnese manuscripts stated that   needed to divulge the reasons behind   text of this book was assumed to have
 them any works he wrote. He was also   among the dozen manuscripts he owns   these differences. In philology and text   been lost, as it had never been found.
 an extremely orthodox ‘alim, at least   we may find the Hidayat al-habib, but   editing, the title of a text should be based   However, it transpired that variouscopies
 when compared to his successor,   he cannot say this with any certainty.   on the information in the text itself. In   are preserved in several depositories
 Abdurrauf al-Jawi al-Fansuri. Surely,   Unfortunately, I did not check his   the case of this book by al-Raniri, it is   like the Yayasan Ali Hasjmy Aceh (two
 many variables and factors had shaped   collection when I wrote this essay.  obvious that the author was inspired by   copies),  and the National Library of
          Hidayat al-habib for its title as stated on
 al-Raniri’s attitudes, including the political   Besides, it is also important that this text   the first page.  Indonesia (one copy). 81
 interests of the Acehnese sultanate.  has only been printed one, by Mustafa al-  The Hidayat al-habib consists of 831
 Bab al-Halabi in Cairo in1346 A.H./1927   Al-Raniri explained that the Hadiths he   Hadiths about many kinds of good deeds
 Thoughts Comprised by    A.D. in the margin of another text entitled   collected in his book were taken from   people are recommended to perform and
 the Hidayat al-Habib  Jam‘al-fawa’id wa jawahir al-qala’id   various reliable sources. To show his   many bad deeds people should refrain

 It must be underlined here that the only   written by Dawud al-Fatani. Besides   ‘scholarly responsibility’, he created   front doing. Al-Raniri seems to have
 manuscript of the Hidayat al-habib is   this limited access, various redactional   specific marks at the end of each Hadith   based this book on Hadith on reliable
 preserved in the collection of the National   differences between the printed edition   he quoted. These marks were written   sources in the field of hadith, which were
 Library of Malaysia (MS 1042). However,   and the manuscript in the National   in red ink. For example, the Arabic   not only well-known but also the validity
 other copies of the text may perhaps be   Library of Malaysia also did not make   letter ‘kha’ for Bukhari’sbook , ‘mim’ for   of which had been established by Hadith
 found, especially in Aceh, although the   foreasy access to its contents.  Muslim’s work while he used‘ta’ for that   scholars and acknowledged by Muslim
 three major collections of the Museum   One of the most important differences   of al-Tirmidhi, ‘alif’ for that of Ahmad ibn   society in general.
 Negeri Aceh, the Dayah Tanoh Abee, and   between the manuscript and the   Hanbal, ‘dal’ for Abu Dawud, and the   79.  Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, The Oldest
 the Yayasan Ali Hasjmy do not ownany   printed edition is its title, al-Fawa’id   combinations ‘ḥa’ and ‘ba’ for Ibn Hiban,   Known Malay Manuscript: A 16  Century Malay
 copies of the text.  ‘qaf’ and ‘ṭa’ for al-Daruquṭni, and ‘jim’   Translation of the Aqa’id of al-Nasafi (Kuala
 al-bahiyyah fi al-as’ilah al-nabawiyyah,   and ‘ha’ for Ibn Majah, etc.  Lumpur: University of Malaya, 1988), p. 8.
 The problem in Aceh and also in   even though the translation of the title   80.  Oman Fathurrahman & Munawar Holil,
 other regions is that manuscripts are   still refers to the original manuscript,   At the end of the book, where he deals   Katalog…, p. 53-54.
 not only kept in formal institutions   namely “Haluan akan Nabi SAW pada   with the prerequisites for repentance,   81.  Ph.S.van Ronkel, Catalogus der Maleische
                                                 HSS in het Museum van het Bataviaasch
 like museums or libraries, but also by   menyatakan menggemari segala amal   al-Raniri mentioned another of his   Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen
 76. Azra, Jaringan Ulama…, p. 182.  kebajikan dan menjauh dari segala amal   78.  See Dawud ibn Shaykh ‘Abd Allah al-Fatani,   (Batavia, VBG LVII, 1909), p. 401; Sutaarga,
          Jam’ al-fawa’id wa jawhar al-qala’id (Cairo:
                                                 Katalogus Koleksi Naskah Melayu Museum Pusat
 77. Shagir Abdullah, Khazanah…, II, p. 65.  kejahatan” (The prophetic guide on   Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi wa awladuh, 1346), p. 3.  (Jakarta: PNRI, 1972), p. 78.

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