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were the Suluk Sunan Bonang, Suluk      put Muslims in a setting of foreign powers,           the ideology of reform had affected    nationality. That is what is commonly
                                   Sunan Kalijaga, Wasiyatjati Sunan       but also made them foolish and exploited.             Indonesia, even though this “nationality”   called reformism, attempts to renew the
                                   Geseng, Suluk Sujinah, Suluk Ngabesi,   Being colonized and backward the                      had not yet developed into modern      understanding and the attitude towards
                                   and others (Yunus, 1979: 220).                                                                nationalism. The awareness of modern   religious doctrines which before had
                                                                           Muslim community was led into real
                                   In the first phase, besides the peaceful   world of stupidity. However, colonization          nationalism grew along with the reform   stagnated for a long time. Indonesian
                                   process of Islamization, Islam was also   also incited the consciousness of                   of Islam. Schools of Islamic reformism   youths who studied in the Haramain and
                                   accepted among the authorities without   emancipation. The teachings of Islam                 in Indonesia not only encouraged the   Cairo began to absorb this new way of
                                   turmoil, radical change, or revolution.   advocate changes (QS. 13: 11). The                  growth of nationalism, but had also led to   thinking and when they returned to their
                                   The acceptance of Islam was a process   most likely change to influence social                the birth of modern Islamic organizations   homeland they brought notions of what
                                   of accommodation of both the power      life, the economy, politics, and culture              in the early 20 century.               Geertz (1985: 99) called the teachings
                                   structure and the culture in society. At   is a change in the way of thinking. So             Modernism and Reform                   of orthodoxy, and then passed on what
                                   the cultural level, acculturation occurred   the first thing that had to be done was                                                 they had found in the Middle East to the
                                   between Islam and the cultures of the   to change the way of thinking from                    Entering the final quarter of the 19 th   Muslim community in their homeland.
                                   archipelago, in which both identities   blind imitation (taqlid) to freedom of                century, the condition of Muslims in the   In turn, the reform movement grew and
                                   were fused into the new identity of Islam   thought. Of course, faith also guided this        archipelago had changed only slightly.   developed in Indonesia. The result was
                                   Nusantara (Islam of the archipelago).   freedom. This is the essence of Islamic               The changes were supported by two      an Indonesian version of Islamic reform.
                                   Islamic law, up to the era of Indonesia’s   reform: Muslims should rise to explore            mutual forces. First was more intensive   In this way these teachings of Islam,
                                   Independence and even in the reform     and develop the intellectual property of              contact between Indonesian Muslims     which were relatively closer to the origin
                                   era, adhered to what Hooker (2003)      Islam, educate themselves, and not to be              and the sources of Islam in the Middle   of this religious civilization, started to
                                   convincingly called “the Islamic schools   ashamed to learn from Europeans who                East, as one of the consequences of    influence Muslims in Indonesia.
                                   of Indonesia”. This indicates that      had modernized their lives already at an              the opening of the Suez Canal in 1870   Second is the change in colonial
                                   acculturation ran continuously, resulting   earlier stage.                                    and the invention of steam ships. Shuttle   government, which adopted its ethic
                                   in a distinctive Indonesian Islam, which                                                      ships between Europe and Indonesia     policy in the early 20 century. The
                                   differs from Islam in the Arab world. The   What happened in Indonesia was                    increased in number and they were      implementation of this ethic policy was
                                   specialty of Indonesian Islam, among    different from what happened in Islamic               also faster than those of the days     partly to offer an opportunity to the
                                   others, is that the stagnation period was   countries in the Middle East. Colonialism         before. Muslims from Indonesia who     children of the country to get a broader
                                   marked by a mixture of the teachings of   that began in the 16 century with the               went to Arab countries to perform the   education in Europe. Education for
                                   Islam and those of the local culture which   arrival of the Portuguese, followed by the       hajj and the umrah or to study in the   the natives was previously only to be
                                   were sometimes in opposition to Islam   Dutch created aconsciousness of Islam                 Haramain and Cairo also multiplied in   had in boarding schools (pesantren)
                                   itself. This mixture is often identified as   as a symbol for the natives’ fight against      number. At the same time, in the Middle   or in lower level schools exclusively
                                   heterodox syncretism. This situation was   foreign and non-Muslim colonialism. This           East, blossoming Islamic thought had   devoted to the natives, but since the
                                   exacerbated by the very weak socio-     meant that Islam disseminated a sense                 been influenced by modern Western      implementation of the ethic policy the
                                   political colonial conditions, which not only   of “nationality” from the time before         civilization, which promoted the use of   colonial government provideda European

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