P. 319

Pengadjaran Shalat (1930, reprinted 1991), Sual Djawab (1931, reprinted 1957-                Aksi…, 124-125.
                                      1058), and Islam dan Kebangsaan (1941).
                                                                                                                                 55.  Institute DIAN/INTERFIDEI was a foundation especifically created for inter-
                                   45.  K.H. Moenawar Chalil, Kembali Kepada Al-Quran dan as-Sunnah: Suatu                         religious dialogue. It was established on December 20, 1991 in Yogyakarta, by
                                      Muqaddimah bagi Himpunan Hadis-hadis Pilihan (Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1991).                 several inter-religious figures such as the late Dr. Th. Sumartana, Pastor Eka
                                                                                                                                   Darmaputera Ph.D., Daniel Dhakidae Ph.D, Zulkifly Lubis and Dr. Djohan Effendi.
                                   46.  Hamka (1908-1981) was also renowned as a poet and a prolific writer. Having                See further (accessed on June 20, 2008).
                                      been an editor of the magazine Pedoman Masjarakat (1936-Japanese occupation),
                                      he also wrote several famous books: Ajahku (Jakarta: Widjaya, 1956), Tasawuf               56.  See the Publisher’s preface in Zuly Qodir et al. (eds.), Anotasi 200 Buku Islam
                                      Modern (first published in 1939, reprinted Jakarta: Pustaka Panjimas, 1990).                 Karya Muslim Indonesia, (DIAN/Interfidei, Yogyakarta, 1998), iv.

                                   47.  IKAPI was established in Jakarta on May 17, 1950 through the consensus of                57.  All 29 publishers are Bina Ilmu, Apollo, Salim Nabhan, Al-Hidayah, Karya
                                      several national publishers. Its membership initially counted only 13 publishers             Anda, Al-Haramain Jaya, Pustaka Progressif dan Risalah Gusti in Surabaya; PT
                                      including IKAPI itself. See Philips J. Vermonte, “Penerbitan Islam di Indonesia:             Percetakan Persatuan, Dana Bhakti Primayasa, Qalam, Gama Media, Pustaka
                                      Menuju Sebuah Print Culture?,” in Rizal Sukma dan Clara Juwono (ed), Gerakan                 Pelajar, Navilah, LKiS, Adi Gita Group, and Bigraf in Yogyakarta; PT Karya Toha
                                      dan Pemikiran Islam Indonesia Kontemporer, (Jakarta: CSIS, 2007), 257, “Ikapi                Putra, Menara Kudus dan Pustaka Mantiq in Central Java. The publishers Rosda
                                      Punya Peran Strategis dalam Pengembangan Budaya Unggul,” in http://www.ikapi.                Grup, Mizan, Putera, PT Sinar Baru Algensindo, and Diponegoro in Bandung;
                            ,, September 13, 2006 (accessed on May 4, 2008).                   Logos Wacana Ilmu, Pustaka Zahra, Erlangga dan Bulan Bintang in Jakarta and
                                                                                                                                   Banten. See M. Syatibi AH, “Perkembangan Penerbitan Lektur Keagamaan di
                                   48.  Several other publishers that participated in the proliferation of Islamic book            Indonesia”, (accessed on July 15, 2008).
                                      publishers in Indonesia included Pustaka Arafah, Pustaka As Sunnah, Pustaka
                                      Imam Asy-Syafi’i, Pustaka Ar Rayyan, Pustaka At-Taqwa, Pustaka At Tazkia,                  58.  “Jusuf Kalla: Seharusnya Ada Waralaba Toko”, Republika, Sunday, March 5,
                                      Pustaka Darul Ilmi, Pustaka Ibnu Katsir, Pustaka Imam Adz-Dzahabi, Pustaka                   2006, (accessed on July 15, 2008).
                                      Azzam, Pustaka Abdulloh, Pustaka Al-Sofwa, Pustaka Sumayyah, Pustaka Al
                                      Furqon, Pustaka At Tibyan, Pustaka Yassir, Pustaka At Tazkiya, Pustaka Ulil                59.  The figure of 766 was a record in IKAPI membership up to 2006. As of now the
                                      Albab, Maktabah Al Ghurobaa, Media Hidayah, Media Tarbiyah, Darul Hag, Darul                 number has certainly changed significantly.
                                      Qolam, Darus Sunnah Press, Pustaka Barokah, Rumah Dzikir, Al Aqwam, Al
                                      Qowam, At Tibyan, Darul Falah, Najmaazkiya, Pustaka Norma, Insan Kamil, La                 60.  Derived from the official website of LKIS publisher, 2008, http://www.gemainsani.
                                                                                                                          (accessed on July 14, 2008).
                                      Raiba Bima Amanta (eLBA), Wafa Press, Rumah Dzikir, Daar An Naba, Maktabah
                                      Al Ghuroba, Qisthi Press, and several others.                                              61.  Catalogue of the Darul Haq publisher, April 2008 edition.
                                   49.  Heri Ruslan, “International Islamic Book Fair: Gairah Buku-buku Islami,”                 62.  Taken from the official website of the Serambi publisher, 2008, http://www.
                                      Republika, October 30, 2005.                                                        (accessed on July 14, 2008).
                                   50.  See IKAPI’s official site at                                       63.  Catalogue of the Darul Haq publisher, June 2008 edition.

                                   51.  “Ikapi Punya Peran Strategis dalam Pengembangan Budaya Unggul,” in http://               64.  Taken from the official website of LKIS publisher, 2008,
                            ,, September 13, 2006 (accessed on May 4,                (accessed on July 14, 2008).
                                                                                                                                 65.  Taken from the official website of Pustaka Al-Kautsar publisher, http://www.
                                   52.  In 1990, Yayasan Masagung attempted to record all Islamic books that were         (accessed on July 14, 2008).
                                      published from 1945 up to 1980, along with their classification in Islamic
                                      disciplines. The result of the recording process was a catalogue entitled Buku             66.  This publisher is part of the PT Bumi Aksara Group, which specifically published
                                      Islam Sejak Tahun 1945, 1987 & 1990 that illustrates early portraits of Islamic              books with Islamic themes. The data were taken from the catalogue of Azaam
                                      books in Indonesia. See (being                   publisher’s 2006 edition, (accessed June 20,
                                      accessed on June 09, 2007).                                                                  2008).

                                   53.  In 2003, the Ministry of Religious Affairs made an inventory of 3041 titles of books     67.  Taken from the official website of Remaja Rosdakarya publisher,
                                      on Islam from the production lists of 110 Islamic publishers that participated in the        (accessed on July 14, 2008).
                                      Islamic Book Fair organized by IKAPI in Jakarta in 2003. See http://www.depag.
                             (accessed on June 09, 2007).                                    68.  Both books were written in 1983, when Haidar Bagir founded Mizan. Various
                                                                                                                                   observers had the impression that, initially, Mizan more represented the
                                   54.  See further Nico J. Tompi, “Trend Bacaan 1980-an: Cermin Meningkatnya Telaah               development of Shi’i thought in Indonesia. This appeared, for instance, from the
                                      Keagamaan,” a discussion on religious books held by Bagian Perpustakaan dan                  fact that 5 years after it founding, it published mostly works by Shi’a thinkers. From
                                      Dokumentasi Majalah Tempo, Jakarta, 1987, as quoted by Anwar, Pemikiran dan                  the 13 books it produced until 1988, 3 were written by Murthada Muthahari, and 1

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