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a lot of new members is the commonly   to a pragmatic idealism as well as to   KAMMI generally support the concept   KAMMI activists on several campuses
 held Ramadan on Campus (Ramadan di   provide an alternative solution to the   of Sharia, but they do not know exactly   in Yogyakarta do not frontally reject the
 Kampus, RDC).   social problems will be more attractive to   how the application of Sharia in everyday   concept of democracy, but they tend to

 To maintain consistent propaganda as   students.   life. So far the campus Islamic movement   say that it is okay as far as it does not
 well as to raise members, some campus   Besides, normative-cognitive aspects   activists would rather understand the   contrary to Islam. Several other activists
 Islamic movements use varieties of   are also significant in the member   Sharia as taken for granted, because   believe that through democracy the
 media. Most organizations hold activities   recruitment. Based on surveys in some   from the beginning they understood   Sharia and Islamic caliphate can still be
 such as study clubs, publishing weekly   campus Islamic movements, students   Islam as a complete religion. For them,   realized.
 bulletins, or using information media and   are more interested in getting involved   Sharia means the formalization of Islamic   The HMI activists, PMII, and IMM are
 technologies such as SMS or Facebook   into the Islamic movements not only   law. Some movements want to spread   very diverse in understanding the various
 for member gathering. In additions, some   to deepen their religious knowledge,   Sharia within campuses, although they   concepts above. Although some activists
 of the movements use also internet blogs   but also for capacity building as for the   do not explain what they mean by the   expressed support for the concept of
 and websites as the propagation media   formation of their character, discover   concept.   Sharia and Islamic caliphate, in general
 and the interconnecting forum among the   their-own potential, as well as the   In line with the Sharia, the concept of   theyareless agreed with the concepts
 members.   process of maturity. The above aspects   Islamic caliphate is also not clearly   that they think are still unclear and not
 It should be emphasized that the   are carefully discerned by various   understood by some campus Islamic   applicable. In line with other movement
 member recruitment and the movement   campus Islamic movements, so that they   movements. Although some LDK and   activists, activists of HMI, PMII, and IMM
 strategy are closely related to how the   become an alternative organization for   KAMMI activists support this idea, they   generally do not reject Western concepts
 Islamic movement could gain victory over   students.  do not quite have a clear idea of the   such as democracy and pluralism. So
 the “wars” against varieties of opinion   concept of how the roadmap towards   far, students tend to see democracy and
 voiced by other Islamic movements. In   4) Central Issues of Struggle  the Islamic caliphate would be achieved.   pluralism as political and social concepts
 social movements, the process is known   Campus Islamic movements cannot   They understand that this concept is   that are neutral and less ideological or
 to be framing. The framing process can   be released from any contemporary   good only because of their normative   opposing the Islamic ideology.
 be done in varieties of media, both in the   issues when Islam confronts modernity.   understanding of Islam.
 discussion rooms, pamphlets, tabloids,   Among the issues to be discussed in   The concept of democracy and pluralism   5) A Campus Base Movement
 or in informal forums. 54  this subchapter are the Sharia, Islamic   is actually not much different from   The Islamic movement is rampant as this
 caliphate, democracy, and pluralism.
 Social problems closely related to   the concept of Sharia and the Islamic   develops not only by the general public
 students such as social injustice,   Although the Sharia has been much   caliphate. Although this concept is a   but also among the campus students.
 corruption, law enforcement, and human   discussed since the  era of Reformation,   Western product of thought, the students   Islam had spread widely in Indonesia
 rights abuse are significant issues   but the concept was apparently not   are often listened to this concept, the   since the 13  century or even earlier.
 in the propagation strategy. Campus   understood well by students, including   resistance to this concept is not strong   Islam had already experienced a pattern
 Islamic movements that are belonged   campus activist movements. LDK and   enough. The majority of LDK and   of acculturation, which is called the

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