P. 404

Crescent Star Party (PBB)  FUI primary activities were to forge   Kerjasama Pondok Pesantren Indonesia,   the proposal and they threatened to
 friendship ties with its supporters, holding   BKSPPI), the Islamic Brotherhood   walk out of the BKUI if the agency would
 The Crescent Star Party (PBB) has a   discussions among its supporters and   Forum (FUI), The Islamic Association   60
 historical relationship with the Masjumi.       change into a political party.
 It was founded by activists who tried to   trying to build mutual understanding   (Persis), Islamic Union (SI), the Union of   Prior to establishing an Islamic party,
 keep up the Masjumi’s glorious symbols.   in order to resolve the problems of the   Indonesian Muslims (PUI), the Union of   Anwar Harjono had approached the PPP
 The founding of this party was initiated   Muslims. The FUI was led by a presidium   Islamic Education (Perti), Al-Irsyad, and   to create a single party that could cover
 that rotated every six months among
          the Indonesian Committee for Islamic
 by meetings held by members of the   supporting Islamic organizations. The   World Solidarity (Komite Indonesia untuk   the entire Muslim community, but the
 Islamic Brotherhood Forum (Forum   session results were usually delivered   Solidaritas Dunia Islam, KISDI). BKUI’s   PPP did not accept his proposal. Had
 Ukhuwwah Islamiyah, FUI) which was   to the concerned factions and those   membership was more focused on   the BKUI wanted to join the PPP, it would
 initiated by M. Natsir, K.H. Masykur, K.H.   considered having the power to   organizations rather than on individuals.  have had to go through the membership
 Rusli Abdul Wahid, and H.M. Rasyidi,   determine national policies.  mechanism defined by the organization’s
 and was motivated by the incessant   The BKUI began to play a role in the   Basic Articles. Aware of the difficulties,
 Christianization that hit the Muslims in   Soeharto’s unexpected fall had rapidly   dynamics of Indonesian politics after   activists representing the BKUI began
 the early period of the New Order era.   accelerated Muslim politics’ dynamics.   Soeharto’s fall by inviting Muslim youth   to think of setting up a separate Islamic
 The FUI itself was officially formed on   To anticipate changes in national politics   organizations to join. There was a great   party that could really animate the spirit
 August 1, 1989.  and to ensure a role for Muslims in the   spirit among them to turn the BKUI into   of the Crescent Star Families.
 post-Soeharto’s leadership, the FUI   something like the MIAI which contained
 The FUI received was heavily supported   responded by offering ideas for Muslim   Islamic organizations and was a unifying   Finally, a party named the Crescent Star
 by many Muslim leaders, especially   political roles. They held a meeting   vehicle for Muslims in Indonesia. The   Party (Partai Bulan Bintang, PBB) was
 those of the star-crescent family. Its   on May 12, 1998 at Anwar Harjono’s   BKUI was expected to play a more   declared on July 26, 1998 in the Grand
 existence was re-confirmed by the   house which resulted in the decision   important role, especially by mobilizing   Al-Azhar Mosque in Jakarta. Prof. Dr.
 large support it got from various Islamic   to found the Muslims Coordination   cooperation and inviting brotherhood   Yusril Ihza Mahendra was appointed
 propagation and national Islamic mass-  Agency (Badan Kordinasi Umat Islam,   among the Muslim organizations and by   chairman instead of Amien Rais who
 organizations, because of its crucial role   BKUI) intended to absorb Muslim   representing the Muslims in their struggle   had declined the offer. The PBB also
 to reunite Muslims and to preserve the   aspirations through existing Islamic   for a role in politics, the economy, law,   participated in the 1999 election, but
 Indonesian Muslim’s faith. On December   mass-organizations in order to set up an   socio-cultural affairs, and in Islamic   did not gain encouraging support. In the
 11, 1993, the FUI was expanded by   Islamic party. Mass-organizations that   propagation. Apparently, the desire to   1999 election, the party only managed to
 involving several Muslim leaders, such   joined the BKUI included the Association   establish an Islamic party had become   get 1.4% of the votes and it was absent
 as Dr. Anwar Harjono, K.H. Latif Muchtar,   of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI),   irreversible when the BKUI held its   in subsequent elections after not having
 H.M. C.H. Ibrahim, K.H. Sholeh Iskandar,   the Indonesian Islamic Propagation   National Congress I on June 1, 1998   passed the electoral and parliamentary
 K.H. Nur Ali, Drs. Nurulhuda, Rajab   Council (Dewan Da’wah Islamiyah   where a proposal was made make the   thresholds. The party participated
 Ranggasoli, Prof. Ismail Sunny, K.H.   Indonesia, DDII), Cooperation Agency of   BKUI the forerunner of an Islamic party.   again in the 2014 elections but also
 Dadun Abdulqahar and H. Nurdin Lubis.  Boarding Schools in Indonesia (Badan   However, ICMI representatives opposed   60. Zainal Abidin Amir. Peta Islam Politik..., p.63.

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