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emphasize that their religion was the   that were simultaneously developing                   these activities were organized by the   to law in 1969. Other, similar policies
                                   best, but at the same time admit that   outside the state’s bureaucracy, for                  Indonesian Conference on Religion      were issued to regulate religious
                                   many similarities exist between religions   instance, Nurcholish Madjid (Cak Nur)’s           and Peace (ICRP) headed by Johan       adherents’ coexistence. Some policies,
                                   rather than only look at the differences.   ideas about secularization and religious          Efendi, who was one of Mukti Ali’s     including the Joint Decree of the
                                   This religious attitude is called “to agree   pluralism. Cak Nur’s ideas of the renewal       junior colleagues when he studied in   Minister of Religious Affairs and the
                                   in disagreement”. 14                    of Islamic theology were directly or                  Yogyakarta.                            Minister of the Interior number 01/BER/
                                                                           indirectly institutionalized by Mukti Ali’s                                                  mdn-mag/1969 on the implementation
                                   The keyword for religious harmony       policies, whereas Mukti Ali’s concept of              Apart from institutional dialogues, other   of government officials’ tasks to assure
                                   is dialogue. By having dialogues an     a nation-based religious dialogue were                models were undertaken in the Islamic   the orderly and smooth implementation
                                   attitude of mutual respect between      theologically and culturally supported                world, including Indonesia, such as    of the right of the religion adherents to
                                   religious communities would be          by the dissemination of Cak Nur’s ideas               parliamentary and theological dialogues,   perform their religion ceremonies and
                                   awaken. The reason is that dialogue is   on the introduction of new meanings in               dialogues of life, and spiritual dialogues. 16   rituals. The Joint Decree of the Minister
                                   a bridge to meet the human need for     Islamic doctrine.                                     Parliamentary dialogues generally took   of Religious Affairs and the Minister of
                                   mutual recognition, trust, and respect.                                                       place at the international level such as   the Interior no. 1/1979 on procedures
                                   According to Mukti Ali, within the context   Mukti Ali was very serious about inter-          in the World’s Parliament of Religions   for religious propagation and foreign
                                   of the Ministry of Religious Affairs,   religious dialogue and from 1972 to 1977              and during a World Conference on       assistance to religious institutes; the
                                   inter-religious dialogue meant that the   he organized his program in 21 cities.              Religion and Peace (WCRP). Theological   Instruction of the Minister of Religious
                                   government had to present a modus       Since the beginning of the New Order                  dialogues are usually organized by     Affairs no. 4/1978 on policies regarding
                                   vivendi to enable the various religious   period up to the present, inter-religious           intellectual organizations such as     local belief systems; and the Decree
                                   communities to build mutual respect     dialogue programs have continued and                  Interfidei, Paramadina, LKiS, LP3M, and   of the Minister of Religious Affairs no.
                                   and understanding and to realize that   even been put on the national agenda.                 MADIA. Dialogues of life are organized   35/1980 on consultative councils for
                                   they were living together under the     Moreover, various non-governmental                    by study groups and NGOs and held to   religious adherents.
                                   umbrella of “nationality”.  Mukti Ali   organizations also actively organize                  formulate the handling of practical and
                                   used the term “nationality” in order to   dialogues for which they invite officially          actual matters. Finally, spiritual dialogues   Broadly speaking, the program of
                                   promote the pluralism of the nation that   recognized religious councils such as              tend to deepen the spiritual practices of   religious harmony as stated in the
                                   apparently had been disrupted. He did   the Indonesian Ulama Council (Majelis                 religious communities.                 Basic Guidelines on Religious Life for
                                   not encourage constructing plurality    Ulama Indonesia, MUI), Indonesian                     The Ministry of Religious Affairs’     the year 1985/1986 the government
                                   based on religions or on particular ethnic   Churches Communion (Persatuan Gereja             coaching program for religious harmony   sought 1) to instill the importance
                                   achievements. In his view, the concept of   Indonesia,PGI), Bishops’ Conference               rested essentially on Presidential     of community life in supporting
                                   nationality as stated in the Pancasila was   of Indonesia (Konferensi Waligereja              Decree no. 1/1965 on the prevention    religious harmony; 2) to promote an
                                                                                                                                                                        environment for and circumstances
                                                                           Indonesia, KWI), the Parisada Hindu
                                   neutral to specific sectarian interests.
                                                                           Dharma, and the Indonesian Buddhists                  of abuse and/or blasphemy, which       capable of supporting attitudes and
                                   Mukti Ali believed in the creation of   Trustee (Perwalian Umat Budha                         later became known as Law no. 1/       behavior leading to religious harmony;
                                   harmony in line with the Islamic thoughts   Indonesia, WALUBI). In the 1980s,                 PNPS/1965 after having been promoted   3) to foster and develop attitudes

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