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The second recommendation was           not believe, this recommendation in                   with the Muhammadiyah, 7.1 percent).   Rejecting Gus Dur’s proposal to abrogate
                                   released in May 1999 and entitled “the   essence 1) urged Muslims to choose                   The winner of the 1999 elections, as   the ban on communism and the PKI,
                                   recommendation of the MUI leadership    a political party that would fight for the            predicted, was the secular party PDIP   the MUI issued two recommendations,
                                   for the 1999 election”. The contents had   interests of the people, the nation and            (33.7 percent), followed by the Golkar   which in essence contained a warning to
                                   become more specific. The MUI urged     the state. 2) invited Muslims to choose a             (22.4 percent). The Golkar, which      the Indonesian people that Communist/
                                   the people to use their right to vote   political party that seriously nominated              had almost been destroyed as it was    Marxist-Leninist thoughts were anti-
                                   and to choose the leaders who would     Muslim candidates. 3) opposed a return                identified with Soeharto’s authoritarian   God and anti-religion ideologies aimed
                                   defend the aspirations of all the citizens.   of communism, authoritarianism, and             regime, seems to have benefitted most   to destroy the ethical and religious
                                   Then the MUI invited Muslims to favor   a secular government and it aimed at                  from the MUI’s recommendation. This    principles contained in the Pancasila.
                                   the Islamic brotherhood and Islamic     discouraging the choice of a political                may be because of the majority of its   It rejected all attempts to abort MPR
                                   political parties in order to compete for   party that had demonstrated that it               candidates were Muslims. After all     Decree no. 15/1996, and it invited
                                   goodness (fastabiq al-khairat). Lastly,   hated Islam. The last call clearly shows            Golkar was the oldest party, while the   the members of the DPR/MPR to act
                                   the recommendation warned Muslims to    the MUI’s call on Muslims to choose                   Islamic parties were the new – comers.  wisely and not to forget the country’s
                                   be vigilant against the latent danger of   a political party ready to fight for the                                                  miserable past. In its second advice, the
                                   communism and the Communist Party       aspirations of the people and the nation              During the administration of           MUI declared that if the PKI rebellion in
                                   of Indonesia. This recommendation       and it instructed Muslims not to vote for             Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), the MUI   1965 had succeeded, life in the country,
                                   began to reveal the MUI’s intention to   a non-Muslim leader or political party               also underwent changes especially in   especially for religious communities,
                                   invite Indonesian Muslims to vote for   dominated by non-Muslim candidates.                   its financial administration and in MUI-  would have been very hard. So it was
                                   Islam-based political parties and invited   The tendency the PDIP, under the                  government relations. In addition to the   important for Indonesians to be aware
                                   Islamic parties not to fight one another.   leadership of Megawati Sukarnoputri,              consequences of reform, these changes   of communisms’ latent danger and it
                                   In the meantime the MUI called on the   might win the election. The MUI saw                   seem to have been inter-related and to   suggested the people unite to dispel this
                                   Muslims to be wary of certain groups,   this political party was dominated by the             have reinforced each other. The MUI    threat at all cost.
                                   perhaps also certain political parties,   non-Muslim candidates.  In the end,                 distanced itself from the government   The MUI’s distancing from the
                                   which it considered might harm Islam in   the MUI’s advice did not significantly              because Abdurrahman Wahid’s            government and the growing influx
                                   Indonesia.                                                                                    administration had terminated state
                                                                           boost the vote for Islamic parties. The                                                      of clerical institutions into the state-
                                   The third recommendation was issued     only Islamic party that gained more than              funding. Gus Dur’s proposal to cancel   political discourse emerged from a
                                   in June, just a few days ahead of the   5 percent of the total vote in the 1999               the decision to prohibit communism and   fatwa presented to the government in
                                   election. From its title, “Instructions to   election was the PPP (10.7 percent).             the ban of the PKI in force since 1966   2002 against bribery, corruption, and
                                   Muslims for the 1999 elections”, the    Two other parties affiliated with the                 and to state that it violated Human Rights   gratifications. The MUI had actually
                                   MUI seemed to be firm in its advice.    Islamic masses despite their acceptation              and his proposal to open diplomatic    never issued a fatwa on this issue. As
                                   By quoting QS 3: 28 on the prohibition   of the Pancasila as their principal basis            and economic relations with Israel     stated above, initially, the MUI tended
                                   for the faithful to make friends with   were the PKB (affiliated with the NU,                 strengthened the MUI’s distancing from   to be silent and even legitimized
                                   or to ask for help from those who do    12.6 percent) and PAN loosely (affiliated             the government.                        government’s policies. In the era

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