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          Pasai Harbor.            when process of islamization began      Yuan and Ming dynasties in the 13                     in international maritime trade. Under   society. In this last aspect, it is Islam   A stamp from the
                                   and it was also the period when the     and 14  centuries, China targeted trade               these conditions, Samudera Pasai and   as brought by international traders that   kingdom of Aceh from
          Source: Atlas Sejarah
          Indonesia Masa Islam     first Islamic Kingdom established. After   development in Southeast Asia. This                Malacca grew into Islamic empires.     appears to have occupied a dominant        the reign of Sultan
          (Historical Atlas of     previously having been concentrated     was especially due to the fact that China             Muslim traders dominated trading       position in the archipelago. Malay rulers   Alauddin Daud Shah,
          Indonesia’s Islamic      in the southern hemisphere of the       needed a safe transport route to India,               activities in the region and they became   and their subjects immediately embraced   year 1316 A.H./1899 A.D.
          Period), 2010.           island, in this period maritime trade in   especially safe from the pirates whose             agents of Islamization in the archipelago.   Islam and turned it into the political   Source: Yayasan Lontar.
                                   Nusantara started to take an alternative   number was on the increase in the                  They formed Muslim communities in the   ideology of the kingdoms. As noted by
                                   route that involved regions on the      South China Sea. In this constellation,               coastal cities of north Sumatra.       historians, because  Chinese present in
                                   Sumatra’s north coast. The changed      China chose Sumatra’s northern regions                                                       the archipelago purely for economic and
                                   of route took place after the fall of   as their places of transit. The regions               Based on his study of Chinese sources   commercial interests. At the same time,
                                   the Buddhist kingdom Sriwijaya in       were geographically very strategic as                 from the 14  century, Wang Gung Wu,    there was an intensive current of Muslim
                                   Palembang and then in Jambi in the      they benefited from the trade routes                  came to the conclusion that Malacca was   traders from different countries  had not
                                   11  century. For about three centuries   between the Indian Ocean and the                     essentially under the direct protection of   only save important implications for the
                                   Sriwijaya was the dominated the trade   South China Sea.                                      the Chinese Empire. This is supported by   economic development of the kingdoms,
                                   center in south Sumatra and in the Strait   China’s policies were supported by                a study conducted by W.P. Groeneveldt   but also brought about the Islamization of
                                   of Malacca, but after that the kingdom   the socio-political conditions of the                and Rockhill, two experts on the history   the region.
                                   to decline. Military attacks from the Cola   archipelago. After the fall of Sriwijaya,        of the Chinese in Southeast Asia. They   In the early 14  century, China withdrew
                                   Empire in India are considered to have   there was no polity had the dominant                 noted that the Chinese Empire had sent   its interests in the region, necessitating
                                   been responsible for the decline of the   power in the area. At the same time,                its envoy, Cheng Ho to, the kingdom of   the kings of Malacca to look for new
                                   empire. However, as explained by O.W.   the kingdom of Majapahit in East Java                 Samudera Pasai and to Malacca in the   forces to maintain their power in the
                                   Wolters, there was another determinant   failed to have no effective authority on             14  century and that he even escorted   archipelago and they turned to Islam.
                                   factor namely the cessation of political   the north coast of Java. Therefore, the            the king and the queen and their son to   The Islamic conversion of the Malaccan
                                   support from China that hitherto had    region developed into the trade centers               visit China.                           rulers took place at a crucial moment it
                                   acted as Sriwijaya’s protector.         and without any into centers of power.                In this regard, it is important to note   was the time when the kingdom’s major
                                   The history of the archipelago, reflects   This development was also supported                that Chinese involvement in Nusantara   concern was the consolidation of its
                                   the fact that China played a decisive   by the available agricultural resources,              appears to have been restricted to the   political authority. Therefore, as noted by
                                   role in the political and economic      especially spices. That were produced in              provision of contributing facilities for   Tome Pires, Sultan Iskandar Shah, the
                                   development of the region. The political   various regions of Sumatra. The areas              the development of Samudera Pasai      first king of Malacca, declared himself
                                   and economic policies of the Chinese    became the ports that were popular for                and Malacca into Islamic kingdoms.     as having converted to Islam some time
                                   contributed much to the growth of       international traders in the Indian Ocean             Historical studies proof that there is no   after he had secretly embraced it. In this
                                   the northern region of Sumatra into a   up to the South China Sea. Since the 13               evidence that suggests that the Chinese   regard, O.W. Wolters considered the
                                   bustling trading center for multinational   century, the north coast of Sumatra had           presence exerted influence on religious   king of Malacca’s conversion to Islam
                                   merchants. During the reigns of the     been directly and extensively involved                conversion and cultural formation of   was a strategic political attempt to avoid

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