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the former political elite of Malacca,   established in the early 16  century                 establishment of the Sultanate of Demak   the Javanese historical tradition in the   Gresik Harbor in 1930.
                                   who pushed the king’s conversion to     and it was the first Islamic kingdom                  had significant consequences for the   mosque of Demak was a sacred place         Source: Atlas Pelabuhan-
                                   Islam around 1514 and 1521. Unlike the   in the island. Like in Sumatra, the                  history of Islam in Java. This is not only   its existence strengthened the image of   Pelabuhan Bersejarah
                                   sultanate of  Perak, Brunei established   establishment of Demak was an                       because Demak was the first Islamic    Demak as the protector of Islam in Java.   di Indonesia (Atlas of
                                   itself as an empire as it had also been   important hallmark in the process of the            kingdom in Java and thus considered    In addition, the Demak Mosque was          the Historical Harbors in
                                   deeply engaged in international maritime   Islamization of Java that, previously, had         responsible for the end of the Hindu-  the gathering place of the “wali sanga”    Indonesia), 2013. (Cek di
                                   trade. Chinese sources noted that two   only seen Muslim trading communities in               Buddhist Majapahit era. Demak had      who are considered responsible for the     KITLV).
                                   kingdoms were the forerunners of the    the centers on the north coast of Java,               indeed actually played a major role    spread of Islam in Java.
                                   kingdom: the Vijayapura and P’o-ni.     such as Tuban, Gresik, Giri, and so                   in the Islamization process of the     The advent of Demak as the leading
                                   Since the 5  century, Chinese traders   forth. Because of insufficient historical             Javanese. Soon after having been solidly   Islamic kingdom in Java was immediately
                                   had often visited these two kingdoms.   data, historians disagree about Demak’s               established as a kingdom, the Demak    followed by the establishment of other
                                   Chinese sources noted that the kingdom   founding process. The year 1478 has                  rulers immediately conquered various   Islamic kingdoms, especially Banten
                                   of P’o-ni continued to grow up to the   already been considered as the time of                regions in Java. Up to the middle of the   and Cirebon. The rulers of Demak
                                   15  century when it stood under the     the establishment of Demak, although                  16  century, the kingdom had taken     indeed played important roles in the
                                   protection of the Chinese Emperor.      it was Javanese mythology that drew                   control of most of the eastern parts of   early process of the establishment of
                                   Since the 16  century this kingdom had   the dividing line in history, marking                Java: Tuban (1527), Madiun (1429-1530),   both kingdoms. Sheikh Nurullah, also
                                   become the Islamic kingdom of Brunei    the boundaries between the ancient                    Surabaya, Pasuruan (1530), Gunung      known as Sunan Gunung Jati, was
                                   after having had close contact with     Hindu-Buddhist era as represented by                  Penanggungan, which had become the     responsible for the establishment of the
                                   Muslim traders.                         Majapahit and the new Islamic era of                  last basis of Hindu-Buddhist power in   Sultanate of Banten, and later of that of
                                                                           Demak. The first ruler of Demak was                   1543, Kediri (1549), and the final target
                                   According to local tradition, at that time   Raden Patah who was a descendant                 Blambangan and Panarukan in 1546.      Cirebon. He was a member of Demak
                                   the Johor rulers offered a set of splendid   of the Majapahit king and a Chinese                                                     political elite who was sent by Demak to
                                   royal gifts to the Muslim ruler of Brunei,   princess, who had been presented to him          The Kingdom of Demak started to        open up new settlements in West Java,
                                   as they had been given privileges in    by the king of Palembang. In Javanese                 flourish during the reign of Sultan    the area that became the basis of the
                                   some areas along the north-west coast   traditional historiography, Raden Patah’s             Trenggana who ruled from around 1504   establishment of Banten and Cirebon
                                   of Borneo. In line with the Islamization   genealogy is explained in such a way               until 1546. He had a very important    in 1525. De Graaf and Pigeaud, noted
                                   of Brunei, social transformation also   that it leaves the strong impression that             role in the expansion of the sultanate’s   that Nurullah expelled the Regent of
                                   took place among the people. They       the sultanate was a direct heir of the                territory to the above mentioned regions.   Pajajaran the Hindu Kingdom soon after
                                   evolved into a society that adopted many   Hindu empire of Majapahit.                         In fact, he died while waging battle in   he assumed power in Banten. Along
                                   Malaccan-Malay cultural traditions, even   Despite the many legendary and                     Panarukan,  it was the time when tried   with the Islamization process of the local
                                                                                                                                 to expand his territory. Indeed, it was,
                                                                                                                                                                        community, Nurullah then expanded
                                   though ethnically they belonged to the   mythological elements in Javanese                    during the reign of Trenggana, Demak   his territory by seizing the harbor city
                                   Bisaya tribe, an ethnic tribe in Borneo.
                                                                           traditional sources, the most important               grew into a leading empire and acted   of Sunda Kelapa from Pajajaran, and
                                   In Java the Sultanate of Demak was      thing to explain here is that the                     as the center of Islamization in Java. In   he renamed it Jayakarta, or Jakarta as

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