Page 7 - GBS OE Brochure - Generic Hospitality
P. 7
The IRS requires that bene ts paid with pre-tax employee contributions stay in effect for the entire plan year (August through July). Once you make your bene t elections, you can make mid-year changes only if you have a quali ed life status change. A quali ed life status change generally includes one of the following:
» A change in your marital status
» The birth or adoption of a child
» A dependent’s loss of eligibility (when he/she reaches the age limit for coverage, for example)
» Death of a dependent
» A change in your spouse’s coverage
» A change in your employment status from part-time to full-time or full-time to part-time
Your change in coverage must be consistent with the qualifying event. In addition, you must notify your Human Resources about your coverage changes within 30 days of your life status change. Otherwise, you will have to wait until the next annual enrollment to change your bene t elections.
Notify Human Resources within 30 days of any life status change.