Page 9 - 2023 District III Cross Country Program
P. 9
Spectators Team Scoring
The District will charge $10 per vehicle. All tickets must be The first five (5) finishers of each team constitute its total team
purchased on-line in advance of arriving at the meet. score. Ties in team scoring shall be resolved by comparing the
6th place finisher from the tying teams. The team with the best
Chips and Competitor Numbers 6th place finisher shall prevail. If one team does not have a 6th
Chips and Competitor Numbers will be distributed on Saturday place finisher, the team with the 6th place finisher shall prevail.
morning at the finish line. One coach should report to the build- If only five competitors of both tying teams finish, the team scor-
ing at the finish line to get the team container and sign the ing shall be resolved totaling the scores of the first four finishers.
sportsmanship and equipment declaration. Follow the instruc- If there is still a tie, we will compare top three, if necessary, the
tions in the box to attach the chip to the shoe either by weaving top two, and finally the top runner of each team. There will be
it though shoe laces or using the twisty ties. Competitor Num- RE-RANKING of individual runners (non-team) to determine
bers must be securely pinned in all four corners to the front of a team scores.
competitor’s shirt at chest level. Please refer to the team roster
and make sure each athlete receives the correct chip and bib Area of Competition
number. After your races, return all chips in the team container The chute stretching from the finish line to the end of the barri-
to the finish line building. There will be a fee of $30 for any chip ers is designated as part of the area of competition. Removal of
not returned. part of the team uniform (except shoes) is illegal and grounds
for disqualification.
Course Markings
The course is clearly marked with flags and white lines. Awards
Awards will be presented following each classification. Award
Starting Line Procedure winners and team winners should make an effort to get back to
Your runners must be at the starting line ten (10) minutes before the awards area (bleachers beyond the first aid tent) immediate-
start time. Lane positions, uniforms, competitor numbers and ly after the boys’ races. Spectators are not permitted near the
chips will be checked at the starting line. Runners MUST be in bleachers. The following awards will be given:
uniform according to NFHS.
Top 10 runners will be presented medals in A.
Uniform Rule Top 20 runners will be presented medals in AA and AAA.
Athletes shall wear the school issued cross country uniform. Team Trophy for District Champion in each class.
Shoes are required. Cross Country Team Members must wear Ten medals will be awarded to the members of the District Team
uniforms clearly indicating through predominant color, school Champion in each class.
logo and color combinations of all outer garments worn as a
uniform, that members are from the same Meet Results
team. (The officials should be able to observe that all members Results will be available following each race, one copy per team,
are from the same team). If weather conditions warrant, protec- which can be picked up by a coach at the finish line building. An
tive gloves and hats may be worn, subject to the meet director's announcement will be made when results are available. After
approval. each race, results will also be posted to At the
end of the meet, results will also be posted on the District 3
Number of Qualifiers Website and PA Milesplit.
AAA Girls Boys
League Team Individual Team Individual State Meet Qualifiers
Berks 4 12 4 12 The State Meet will be held at the Hershey course on Saturday,
Lancaster-Lebanon 7 21 8 24 November 4, 2023. Teams who qualify for the State Meet may
Mid Penn 9 27 8 24 enter eight (8) competitors (only seven [7] may run). Teams and
York-Adams 5 15 6 18
Individuals that qualify for states are submitted by the District
Chairman to the PIAA Office today. Coaches of state qualifying
AA Girls Boys teams must stop by the finish line building to verify the roster
League Team Individual Team Individual that is being submitted to the state.
Berks 4 12 4 12
Lancaster-Lebanon 5 15 4 12 DISTRICT III STATE QUALIFIERS
Mid Penn 4 12 5 15 Girls A: Two (2) team and ten (10) additional runners.
York-Adams 4 12 3 9
Girls AA: Three (3) team and fifteen (15) additional runners.
Girls AAA: Four (4) team and twenty (20) additional runners.
Qualifying for A
Because the A schools are spread across six leagues plus Boys A: Two (2) team and ten (10) additional runners.
independents, and because the number of A participants is Boys AA: Three (3) team and fifteen (15) additional runners.
small, all A schools/runners are eligible to attend the District III Boys AAA: Five (5) team and twenty-five (25) additional