Page 13 - Novem December 2016
P. 13

Leadership Principles of the Warrior (Part 2)
        Even with the vast possibilities of                  in the sense of shunning needy
        techno-savvy innovations, most people  exploitation in order to satiate self-

        squander the little time they have in                validation. With that also comes the
        this finite realm of life. Effectively               essentiality of high levels of common

        managing the wonderful opportunities  sense, backed up by the viability of
 D      of time, assists the assurance of quality  experience. But at the same time, because
 E      productiveness. As such, leaders                     of your character, personality and

 C      must continually be on guard for time                presence, others choose to follow you.
 E      bandits. Attentive, aware and action                 Graduate degrees are nice, but as many

 P      oriented, leaders remain watchful for                of us know, alleged higher education is
 T      those who think they can cunningly                   no guarantee of any aspects of greater
 I      deceive the rest. Leadership is about                intelligence.

 O      using skills to make time-space
 N      relationships work for the betterment of  You probably know a number of Ph.D.’s

        those involved. Leading is not “ruling”,  who act quite stupidly. Keep alert to the
        it is inspirational.                                 fact that seemingly “smart” people say,
                                                             do and believe in stupid things. In fact,

        Direction, power and control equalize                infantile behavior is ageless, and spans
        with consistency the distribution of                 the human spectrum. A person can be

        wise, prudent and judicious actions                  exceptionally brilliant in their tiny niche,
        that guide personnel and resources. In               and painfully foolish, immature and
        the direction of higher thinking and                 childlike outside their special world. You

        actualization of thought into action,                can witness this self-absorbed behavior
        the leader cultivates dedication and                 in the hallowed halls of academia every

        discipline designed for successes. His               day. As such, a leader has to be alert and
        or her principles and precepts must be               vigilant.
        the foundation of a totality of efforts, as

        well as sincere focus of attentiveness.              Cognitive bias in the lust for subjective
        By impartiality of mature actions,                   validation knows no limits. It is a

        leaders reward the worthy and instill                sinister scheming mindset that seeks its
        confidence for others to rise above                  own satiation at the expense of others.
        themselves and forsake their selfishness  Meanwhile along the pathways of

        in personal liberation.                              arrogance, do you really need an award,
                                                             pat on the back, your name on a building,

        Leadership is about personal freedom.  or glorification by a plaque on the wall?
        It involves selflessness and invisibility

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