Page 19 - August 22 2020 Issue PCOS
P. 19

Forensic News Journal
        PCOS and Hairloss: Natural Thearapies Can Restore Scalp Hair pg  21-32
        ©2014-2020  SYT Global, Inc.

                 PCOS and Hairloss: natural thearapies can

                                           restore scalp hair

                                                 By Nancy Dunne, ND

        Excessive scalp hair loss            cial and social success.             on our sense of empower-
        is a severe challenge to a           Men may also prefer not              ment is as devastating as
        woman’s self-image and               to go bald. But since bald- any disfiguring disease. If

        her standing in business             ing is known to be caused  you are a balding woman,
        and society. Although we             by high levels of testos-            your hair loss is a life al-

        usually think of balding as  terone, a bald man may be  tering condition with pro-
        a man’s problem, women               credited with extra virility.  found consequences for
        make up forty percent                There is no such happy               your health. Getting your

        of the people in North               story for balding women.             hands on the wheel and
        America experiencing the  The appearance of thin-                         driving yourself toward

        distress of excessive hair           ning scalp hair translates           a solution for hair loss is
        loss. Many women los-                to a significant loss of per- the first step toward reviv-
        ing significant scalp hair           sonal power for women.               ing your sense of personal

        have Polycystic Ovarian                                                   strength and power. If hair
        Syndrome. Safe, effective,  The medical community                         loss is part of PCOS, the

        natural therapies that treat  in general treats wom-                      effort you make to re-
        the hormone imbalances               en’s hair loss as a minor            store your physical health
        related to PCOS will also            health issue. Most physi-            will also renew scalp hair

        restore your hair to opti-           cians have little inclina-           growth.
        mal health. I am delighted  tion to address the emo-

        to offer you these indis-            tional distress you feel.            You need expert help to
        pensable tools to help you  In many cases physicians                      accurately diagnose the
        restore your hair and your  treat balding as if it were                   cause of your hair loss.

        health.                              “only” a vanity issue; they  Hair loss that could have
                                             may not recognize hair               been merely temporary

        Women experiencing hair  loss as a red flag pointing                      may become permanent
        loss lose ground fast in             to serious metabolic con-            if you have a delayed or
        today’s world. At work               ditions, including PCOS.             incorrect diagnosis. Mis-

        and in her personal life a                                                diagnoses is perhaps the
        woman’s appearance has               The psychological pain               most frustrating aspect of

        much to do with her finan- of hair loss and its effect                    hair loss for women. The

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