Page 17 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 17

How the Computer Criminals Control Information: Typess of Computer Crime

                                             codes, the computer crimi- crime to occur.

        Computer as the                      nals program these codes
        Instrumentality of the               into other cellular phones           In every following case,
        Crime                                simply by hooking up the             the systems merely

 F                                           phone to a personal com-             facilitate the offenses:

 O      Here, the processes of the  puter
 R      computer facilitate the              * Using software original- * Helping the computer
 E      crime.                               ly developed by program-             crime to occur faster

 N                                           mers in other countries              * Processing of greater
 S      The computer criminal in- they reprogram the signal  amounts of information

 I      troduces a new code (pro-            chip in the cellular phone           * Making the computer
 C      gramming instructions) to  * Share the same through                       crime more difficult to
        manipulate the computer’s  underground computer                           identify and trace

 M      analytical processes and             bulletin board services              * Unlawful banking trans-
 E      for converting legitimate            (BBS)                                actions and money laun-

 T      computer processes for                                                    dering
 H      the following illegitimate           Computer is incidental               * Supporting unlawful
 O      purposes:                            to other crimes                      activity via BBSs

 D                                                                                * Erasing or denying
 O      * Fraudulent use of au-              In this category of com-             proper access of organized

 L      tomated teller machine               puter crime, the computer  computer crime records
 O      (ATM) cards and accounts is not essential for the                         or books, and bookmak-
 G      * Theft of money from

 Y      accrual, conversion, or
        transfer accounts, credit
        card fraud, fraud from

        computer transactions
        like the stock transfers,
        sales, or billings and


        * Billing charges to
        other customers through
        cellular phones

        * Once they capture the
        computerized billing
                                                                                            Photo Courtesy of
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