Page 28 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 28

Science And Technology: Their Relationship with Law

        Chairman was the erst-               rent and emerging issues             ry control and regulations;

        while President of India;            in Human Genetics, and
        Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam               a consultative mechanism  To devise a mechanism
        formed the basis of the              for development oh Na-               to establish links with the

        ‘’Hyderabad Declaration              tional Genetics Policy and  International Community
        on Impact of New Biology

        on Justice Delivery Sys-
        tem’’. These deliberations
        of law were co-organized

        by the Centre for DNA
        Fingerprinting and Diag-

        nostics (CDFD) and NAL-
        SAR University of law.
        The deliberations brought

        together the Judges of the
        Supreme Court and the

        High Courts, representa-
        tives from various Com-
        missions like the Law

        Commission and the Hu-
        man Rights Commission,

        Directors of the National
        Law Schools and other
        legal luminaries, lawyers,  guidelines in that area;                      of Dispute for resolution

        scientists, doctors, bio-                                                 of new issues in new biol-
        industrialists, NGO’’s,              To establish an Ethics               ogy;

        police investigators, jour-          Committee to assess ethi-
        nalists and a couple of              cal, legal and social issues  To suitably amend the
        participants from abroad.            raised by research on hu-            Patents law to strike a fair

        Inter alia the meeting em-           man genome and use of                balance between public
        phasized the following:              DNA databases;                       and private interests in

                                                                                  case of patents that assert
        To establish a Human                 To statutorily define status  property rights over ge-
        Genetics Commission to               of human embryo so that              netic material.

        provide technical and stra- research on embryonic
        tegic advice about the cur- cells is done under statuto-

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