Page 16 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 16
Social Survival Tactics in a Devolving Society
countermeasures. many will self-medicate in blissful ignorance. Day to
day, we take so many aspects of our lives for granted,
They will wait for government assistance that as if everything will be there tomorrow. But, what if it
will not come. Those unit will be among the irst isn’t? If all hell breaks loose, then what are your personal
casualties at the basic level of survivability. Tactical contingencies?
preparedness goes to those who think, plan and
prepare regularly. Basic to developing a tactical mindset for survival is
criticality of preemptive thinking processes. Selishness,
While the mainstream press ponders almost which must be overcome, is transitioned from prurient
anything, politicians pontiicate political value, and ixations, to sellessness for higher personal ascendency.
pious proselytes predict the “inerrancy of dogma”, Creativity, innovation and instigation of individuality
human species extinction gets closer. Forget the strive to overcome immature inclinations. Consistent
collective harmony of cohesive safety and security. active stimulation of thinking capacity utilizes healthy
Instead, practice self-reliance and personal itness in motivational energies for rational responsiveness.
your own individualized transformational liberation. Consider what actions you would take, or actually plan
Stay away from the herd, the lock and gathered to take, to increase opportunities for survivability.
gaggle of frightened, timid and unimaginative
crowds. In an emergency, most people with devolve Emotional reactivity in less evolved persons
to their primal basis of “anti-thinking” life forms. is counterproductive to progressive pursuit of
From a neural degraded standpoint, some of us self-determination. Such excessive “feel good”
metaphorically make reference to “zombiication”. sentimentalities do not solve important problems of
As such, in a crisis, “zombie-like” behaviors, or intense communal engagement. Mature growth in
criminogenic antics, can be fully expected. personal perspective should be balanced with logical
application of deductive reasoning applicability.
Communal disintegration occurs very rapidly in Important is a grown up viewpoint of humanity that
chaotic situations. Human systems deteriorate. A understands the essentiality of healthy skepticism.
number of examples are available for your research
and study. Just ask the “Google” if you wish to Although skillful use of common sense, infused with
investigate further. Whether by sensate fears, uncommon vigilance, is required for a tactical mindset,
malevolent mindsets or organic infections, people most people don’t apply such commonality. Instead,
cannot be expected to join together for the common many will continue to embrace institutionalized
good. You are your best ally in any given situation conformity that is constrained by the acceptance of
and need to consider a high degree of self-reliance. mythic dogmas. Foolhardy juvenile behaviors are more
Naturally, a few might have trusted partnerships fun than serious personal introspection. Keep in mind, in
for backup and support purposes. But, that is not a widespread public devastation, public safety personnel
going to be true in every case. Perhaps some may are one percent of the total population. Law enforcement,
eventually pull together for mutual aid purposes. medical and emergency services will be overwhelmed.
However, there are no guarantees for anything,
anywhere at any time. In addition, a rescue by “supernatural forces” will not
be coming in a worst-case scenario. As “hope springs
From rioting after sporting events, to volcanic eternal” however, large numbers of people will not
eruptions, herds of human will fragment into packs comprehend the potentially disastrous implications of
of “wild dogs” bent on instinctive satiation. Gangs magical thinking. Pray all you want and think whatever
of thugs will take advantage of every situation you need to believe, but get prepared and stay focused
conducive to their hedonistic needs. Nonetheless, on the reality of your environment. Conirmation bias
before the calamity, in the safe mediocrity of for the sake of subjective validation conveniently avoids
peaceful plenty, facts to the contrary.
countermeasures. many will self-medicate in blissful ignorance. Day to
day, we take so many aspects of our lives for granted,
They will wait for government assistance that as if everything will be there tomorrow. But, what if it
will not come. Those unit will be among the irst isn’t? If all hell breaks loose, then what are your personal
casualties at the basic level of survivability. Tactical contingencies?
preparedness goes to those who think, plan and
prepare regularly. Basic to developing a tactical mindset for survival is
criticality of preemptive thinking processes. Selishness,
While the mainstream press ponders almost which must be overcome, is transitioned from prurient
anything, politicians pontiicate political value, and ixations, to sellessness for higher personal ascendency.
pious proselytes predict the “inerrancy of dogma”, Creativity, innovation and instigation of individuality
human species extinction gets closer. Forget the strive to overcome immature inclinations. Consistent
collective harmony of cohesive safety and security. active stimulation of thinking capacity utilizes healthy
Instead, practice self-reliance and personal itness in motivational energies for rational responsiveness.
your own individualized transformational liberation. Consider what actions you would take, or actually plan
Stay away from the herd, the lock and gathered to take, to increase opportunities for survivability.
gaggle of frightened, timid and unimaginative
crowds. In an emergency, most people with devolve Emotional reactivity in less evolved persons
to their primal basis of “anti-thinking” life forms. is counterproductive to progressive pursuit of
From a neural degraded standpoint, some of us self-determination. Such excessive “feel good”
metaphorically make reference to “zombiication”. sentimentalities do not solve important problems of
As such, in a crisis, “zombie-like” behaviors, or intense communal engagement. Mature growth in
criminogenic antics, can be fully expected. personal perspective should be balanced with logical
application of deductive reasoning applicability.
Communal disintegration occurs very rapidly in Important is a grown up viewpoint of humanity that
chaotic situations. Human systems deteriorate. A understands the essentiality of healthy skepticism.
number of examples are available for your research
and study. Just ask the “Google” if you wish to Although skillful use of common sense, infused with
investigate further. Whether by sensate fears, uncommon vigilance, is required for a tactical mindset,
malevolent mindsets or organic infections, people most people don’t apply such commonality. Instead,
cannot be expected to join together for the common many will continue to embrace institutionalized
good. You are your best ally in any given situation conformity that is constrained by the acceptance of
and need to consider a high degree of self-reliance. mythic dogmas. Foolhardy juvenile behaviors are more
Naturally, a few might have trusted partnerships fun than serious personal introspection. Keep in mind, in
for backup and support purposes. But, that is not a widespread public devastation, public safety personnel
going to be true in every case. Perhaps some may are one percent of the total population. Law enforcement,
eventually pull together for mutual aid purposes. medical and emergency services will be overwhelmed.
However, there are no guarantees for anything,
anywhere at any time. In addition, a rescue by “supernatural forces” will not
be coming in a worst-case scenario. As “hope springs
From rioting after sporting events, to volcanic eternal” however, large numbers of people will not
eruptions, herds of human will fragment into packs comprehend the potentially disastrous implications of
of “wild dogs” bent on instinctive satiation. Gangs magical thinking. Pray all you want and think whatever
of thugs will take advantage of every situation you need to believe, but get prepared and stay focused
conducive to their hedonistic needs. Nonetheless, on the reality of your environment. Conirmation bias
before the calamity, in the safe mediocrity of for the sake of subjective validation conveniently avoids
peaceful plenty, facts to the contrary.