Page 5 - August 15th 2020 Issue Forensic
P. 5

Crime Scene: A Forensic Market

                                                                                  after an hour of death and

                                                                                  persists till 6-12 hours of
                                                                                  death. This is also called

                                                                                  the most obvious phase of
                                                                                  death and plays a signifi-
                                                                                  cant role medicolegally,

                                                                                  as it helps in ascertaining
                                                                                  whether the body has been

                                                                                  moved from the position
                                                                                  in which it originally lay,
                                                                                  when the life is ceased,

                                                                                  degree of development of
                                                                                  livor mortis may help in

        Figure 2 : A dead body lying as face facing towards the floor. Source:
        photo/159467/crime-scene-crime-blood-capital-crimes-discovery-criminal-case-free-pictures-free-  ascertaining the post-mor-
        photos-free-images                                                        tem interval, characteristic
        ally appears pale. The               the body loses heat faster           distribution may suggest

        skin becomes lusterless,             but in the tropical areas            the manner of death as
        pale and ashy-white in               the post mortem fall in              in poisoning by carbon

        appearance and also loses  the body may be minimal                        monoxide or hydrocyanic
        its elasticity. There is a           or even absent and while             acid, a cherry-red color
        loss of corneal reflex and           in torrid conditions, the            may appear, in cases of

        cornea loses its glistening  corpse may even warm up  poisoning due to hydro-
        appearance and becomes               after the death.                     chloric acid, nitrobenzene,

        dull and opaque.                     After algor mortis, livor            aniline chocolate or coffee
        The next stage observed              mortis also called as post-  brown hypostasis color
        is the algor mortis, which           mortem staining is usually  may develop.

        is also called as the cool-          seen which is due to the             After this stage, rigor mor-
        ing of the body and this             stoppage of circulation,             tis/ cadaveric stiffening

        occurs till the body tem-            the blood due to gravity             occurs due to the changes
        perature and the surround- flows down in the capillar- in the muscles after the
        ing temperature becomes              ies and veins in the depen- molecular death of their

        equal. It must be kept in            dent parts of the body and  cells and is proceeded by
        mind that the cooling of             imparts a reddish-purplish  primary flaccidity of the

        the body will be faster in           coloration to these areas.           muscles. It stays up to
        the cold climates where              This stage usually starts            12-24 hours and helps to

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