Page 11 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 11

How To Treat PCOS Naturally – An Inspiring Success Story

        ovaries, confirming that I           birth control pills didn’t
 P      had PCOS.                            work so well for me — I              The doctor also asked me
 C                                           suffer from migraines and  to exercise every day and

 O      The gynecologist ex-                 these only make my mi-               cut out all fats from my
 S      plained that PCOS is                 graine attacks more fre-             diet. She recommended

        caused due to hormonal               quent and a lot more ag-             a healthy diet with lots
 A      imbalance, and this can              gressive. Since I couldn’t           of fruits and vegetables,
 W      lead to problems with fer-           take these at all, the doctor  which I anyways did. So, I

 A      tility and menstrual irregu- then prescribed Metformin  wasn’t all that sure how I
 R      larities. She said it can            – a drug commonly used               would change my diet.

 E      also lead to weight gain,            to treat Type 2 diabetes.            I was prescribed Regester-
 N      acne and cysts on the ova- However, diabetic patients  one 5mg, a synthetic form
 E      ries. She asked me not to            take Metformin before a              of progestin to induce

 S      worry; apparently, PCOS              meal, while I was asked              period, so that I could
 S      is rather common amongst  to take it twice a day, post  chart my menstrual regu-

        young women and a few                meals, to “cure” insulin             larity thereafter. After that,
 2      pills could take care of the  resistance.                                 I was supposed to take
 0      problem.

 0      The First Line Of Treat-

        ment: Allopathic Medi-
        cines & Diet Changes
        Over 3 Months, Yet No

        Major Signs Of Improve-

        The gynecologist first
        inquired if I was plan-

        ning to get pregnant any
        time soon. When I told

        her I had no plans to have
        a baby in the near future,
        she recommended birth

        control pills. However, a
        previous encounter with
                                                                                                 Photo Courtesy of

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