Page 8 - Winter A
P. 8
David Hunter, LARM Board member, has
name drawn in bighorn sheep hunt
Six-year-old Evelyn doesn’t care about
those events. She just knows that Jack
(Conger) is going to pick her up from
daycare at 9:00 am every Thursday and
take her to the fun summer activity
slated that week at the city library.
Conger, who has been driving for 15
yearsears said driving the Dial-A-Ride is
the best job he’s ever had.
“I give rides to elderly people to the
David Hunter, manager of the Auburn Board of nearing the end of its life. Dave said they are
Public Works and a LARM Board member, had his having the meat from the sheep processed and
name drawn last summer in the Nebraska Game that he plans to have a taxidermist prepare a
and Parks bighorn sheep permit lottery. His son, mount of the animal.
Greg, had entered his dad’s name in the lottery A According to the Game and Parks Commission,
each of the past four years as a Father’s Day this is the 25th bighorn sheep harvest harvested
present. He was able to accaompany his dad on in Nebraska since the Game and Parks’ hunting
thehe winning hunt December 10 at Fort Robinson program began in 1998.
State Park in northwest Nebraska. Huunter said he has hunted since he was a
The two of them were accompanied by Wildlife teenager but that this was hands down the best
Commission staff as they hiked on the Pine hunt he had ever had in his life and he
Ridge. David used his .270 caliber ri e to harvest encourages people to enter the annual permit
a full-curl bighorn sheep. The shot was made at drawings to help promote Nebraska wildlife
360 yards from a steep ravine that drains into conservation.
Spring Creek. Wildlife staff estimate that the P Pictured above is, from left, Greg and David
longhorn sheep ram was 8 1/2 years old and Hunter with the harvested bighorn sheep ram.