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The Unique Roles of the State’s League of Cities
and of its Risk Management Pool
Goals of the League of Cities Goals of the State Risk Management Pool
To lobby for cities’ interest To provide insurance for cities and other
governmental entities
Provide training/legal advice for cities Provide training/legal advice for cities and
other governmental entities especially
concerning loss control and risk management
League of Cities organizations in states across the nation were established for the main
purpose of lobbying at the local, state and national levels on behalf of the cities and villages in
their state. With the League’s eyes and ears focused on the state’s laws and regulatory
commissions, it is in a position to provide advice to members on topics such as the open
meeting laws or employee rights.
Insurance pools have a different role. Their sole purpose is to provide insurance coverage and
risk management services for a governmental entity. In the interest of safety and to facilitate
lower premiums, the pool provides members with assistance in loss control and risk
management. The pool may offer training on various topics including worker safety or how to
protect against hackers.
Although League of Cities organizations and Risk Management pools have different roles and
responsibilities, they many times work together on projects that support the members that
they both serve. Across the nation, League of Cities organizations in various states will put on
conferences that include speakers provided by a state risk management pool. The League and
the state’s pool may partner to bring in a national renowned speaker on cyber-safety or host a
seminar on law enforcement certification.
The League of Cities organizations and the insurance pools in states across the nation provide
valuable services for the cities and villages in the state; however, the insurance pools in many
cases extend those services to government entities that are not members of the League of
Cities including sanitary improvement districts, counties, K-12 schools, fire districts, natural
resource districts and other local tax supported organizations.
Although the insurance pools and the state’s League of Cities may sometimes appear as one
and the same, they are unique organizations governed by their own boards and bylaws. In most
cases, they each have their own payroll, office space and staff. Even as they are separate
organizations with different purposes, it’s hoped that they work together to support and
promote the success and vitality of the state’s cities and villages they serve.