Page 6 - LARM Life Spring 2020
P. 6

Is your playground

                     equipment safe?

     Nearly every city or village in Nebraska has at least                LARM  Loss Control staff have taken
     one park playground that usually contains a mixture                  steps to learn more about playground
     of new and older playground equipment. LARM staff                     safety. In March 2019, Dave Bos, LARM
     reminds city officials that they need to inspect this                  Loss Control Manager, Fred Wiebelhaus,
     equipment regularly as outdated and even new                         LARM Field Adjuster Supervisor/Loss
     playground equipment may have the potential to                       Control Assistant, and Randy Peters,
     cause injuries.                                                      LARM Field Auto Adjuster/Loss Control
     According to the Consumer Product Safety
     A                                                                    A
                                                                          Assistassistant each received training and
     Commission, more than 200,000 children ages 14                       earned the Certi ed Playground Safety
     and younger are taken to emergency rooms each                        Inspector (CPSI) designation through
     year with injuries from playground equipment. Not                    the National Recreation and Park
     only broken bones and abrasions but concussions                      Association.
     and severe head injuries have been the result of                     The CPSI certi cation program provides
     mishaps on a piece of playground equipment.                          comprehensive training on playground
                                                                          safety issues including hazard
                                                                          identi cation, equipment speci cations,
                                                                          surfacing requirements, and risk
                                                                          management methods.
                                                                          “It’s important for our Loss Control staff
                                                                          to be able to review LARM members’
                                                                          playground equipment and advise
                                                                          members as to how they could make
                                                                          them safer. It may be as simple as
                                                                          tightening up a bolt that has become
                                                                          loose but there are probably some
                                                                          pieieces of equipment out there that
                                                                          need to be repaired or possibly
                                                                          replaced,” said Bos. He, Wiebelhaus, and
      From top left to bottom
      right: Dave Bos, LARM Loss                                          Peters will be conducting playground
      Control Manager; Fred                                               audits in 2020 for those members who
      Wiebelhaus, LARM Field                                              request they do so.
      Adjuster                                                            “When we do the audits we will make
      Suupervisor/Loss Control                                            recommendations and present them to
      Assistant; and Randy                                                the member. Our goal is to help our
      Peters, LARM Field Auto                                             members keep their playgrounds as safe
      Adjuster/Loss Control                                               as possible,” Bos said.
                                                                          Bos said there are three major areas of
      Assistant                                                           B
                                                                          concern when inspecting a playground
                                                                          for safety issues.
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