Page 23 - PBL71 OI/AXM630-EN AZTEC 600 SS (WIRO)
P. 23
Aztec 600 ISE ammonia and fluoride
Single-stream ion-selective analyzers
3.6.4 Connecting Reagent and Calibration Solutions
3 Installation
Reagents and calibration solutions may contain hazardous chemicals. Ensure that safety information is read and understood before handling the solutions.
Wear appropriate protective clothing when handling reagent and calibration solutions.
Note. Take care when installing the reagent and calibration solution to prevent contamination. Keep the level sensors dry and avoid handling the stems.
1. Place the unopened reagent and calibration solution containers in a suitable position no more than 1100 mm (43.3 in.) from the analyzer’s bottom tray or on the optional reagent tray (if fitted – see Section 3.4.3, page 12).
2. Referring to Fig. 3.11, hold the reagent level sensor by clamp ring A and:
a. Using a dry, lint-free cloth, remove any foreign matter from level sensor stem B.
b. Remove the reagent container cap and store in a clean, safe place.
c. Insert the reagent level sensor into the reagent container, ensuring that all connections are still in place.
d. Check that the end of the level sensor is in close proximity to the bottom of the reagent container. If required, unscrew clamp ring A, adjust nut C to position the sensor correctly, then secure with clamp ring A.
e. Secure the reagent level sensor to the reagent container with cap D.
f. Remove the calibration solution container cap and store in a clean, safe place.
g. Lower the sinker on the end of the calibration solution line to the bottom of the calibration solution container.
h. Repeat steps 2a to 2e to connect the calibration solution level sensor to the calibration solution container.
Fig. 3.11 Reagent / Calibration Solution Level Sensor
When using the analyzer to measure ammonia samples with concentrations typically above 300 ppm, it is strongly recommended that a mixer assembly (part number AW621 045) is fitted to ensure adequate mixing of the higher strength reagent solution – see Fig. 3.13, page 21.
Refer to Appendix A, page 76 for further guidance on reagent and standard solutions.
Note. Step 2g is applicable only if the analyzer is fitted with the standard calibration solution tubing sinker.
Note. Step 2h is applicable only if the analyzer is fitted with the optional calibration solution level sensor.
OI/AXM630–EN Rev. J