Page 21 - PBL71 OI/AXM630-EN AZTEC 600 SS (WIRO)
P. 21

Aztec 600 ISE ammonia and fluoride
Single-stream ion-selective analyzers
3.6 Preparing the Analytical Section
3.6.1 Connecting Sample Inlet and Drain Lines
The sample pot fills with sample and over-flows at the top to maintain a constant head from where sample is taken to be measured.
The sample outlet line (B in Fig. 3.9) must be routed to maintain a gravity-fed drain.
The float inside the pot contains a small magnet that operates a reed switch. When the float is in the uppermost position the switch is held closed. If the sample stops flowing the float drops slowly, allowing the reed switch to open, providing a sample flow failure indication.
Using rigid nylon tubing:
1. Connect the sample supply line to sample inlet
connection A (6 mm OD tubing).
2. Connect the drain line to sample outlet
connection B (10 mm OD tubing).
3.6.2 Connecting the Waste Line
A 0.5 m (1.64 ft) length of flexible 5/16 in. internal diameter PVC tubing (C in Fig. 3.9) is supplied fitted to the flowcell drain connection and routed through the grommet in the hole in the bottom tray. Connect it to either an appropriate waste drain or container.
Ensure the tubing is kink-free, as short as possible and routed as vertically as possible to enable free drainage.
3 Installation
Sample Outlet – 10 mm
Sample Inlet – 6 mm
Analyzer Waste Line – 5/16 in. ID
     Note. If necessary, a longer analyzer waste line can be fitted but its length must be kept to the absolute minimum required.
     Caution. Analyzer waste is contaminated with reagents. Dispose of the waste in accordance with local regulations.
 OI/AXM630–EN Rev. J
Fig. 3.9 Connecting the Sample Inlet, Drain and Analyzer Waste Lines

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