Page 23 - PBL614 IM/SM500F-EN SM500F ( WIRO)
P. 23

Field mountable paperless recorder 2 Installation
2.7 Transmitter Power Supply Module
One transmitter power supply module can be fitted in position D to provide a nominal 24V supply capable of driving two, 2-wire transmitters.
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Analog Input
2-wire Transmitter Power Supply (24V DC, 22mA max.)
   Fig. 2.12 Transmitter Power Supply Module
Note. Analog input terminal screws must be tightened to a torque of 0.5 Nm (4.5
2.8 Relays
One relay is provided as standard (position E). An additional relay module can be fitted in position D to provide two additional relays.
The maximum individual relay current is 5A.
Relay contacts are fitted with arc suppression components as standard.
Set the polarity using the relay links provided on the recorder's motherboard (for the standard relay) and the relay module board (for the optional additional relays) – see Fig. 2.8, page 17.
2.9 Modbus/Digital Input
A Modbus/digital input module can be fitted in position F to provide a 2-wire isolated RS485 interface and 2 digital inputs.
              Rx/Tx + Rx/Tx –
GND Dig In 1
Dig In 2 Common
                                  Fig. 2.13 Modbus/Digital Input Module
 IM/SM500F Rev. AA 21
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