Page 30 - PBL614 IM/SM500F-EN SM500F ( WIRO)
P. 30
Field mountable paperless recorder 4 Operation
1. Current Values
The Current Value is the latest instantaneous value and its update rate is not affected by the recording sample rate.
If the current value is displayed in red (color recorders) or white on a black background (monochrome recorders), recording has been stopped for that channel – see Section 5.2, page 50 and see Section 7.8.1, page 93.
Traces are displayed only when recording is active for that process group. If recording is set to Stop, the traces continue to be displayed for up to one sample period and are then turned off.
2. Trace Pointers and Channel Traces
On color recorders, the trace pointers and channel traces are displayed in the color assigned to each channel. On monochrome recorders, the trace pointer is numbered to indicate the channel number of each channel trace. Trace pointers may be disabled during configuration (see Section 7.7.2, page 87) but on a monochrome recorder, this will make individual trace identification difficult.
3. Alarm Event, Operator Message and Electronic Chart Signature Annotations
Alarm Event, Operator Message and Electronic Chart Signature annotations are not shown on
the chart unless enabled – see 'Chart Annotation', page 33 and Section 7.7.2, page 87.
If Alarm event annotation is enabled and an alarm becomes active, a alarm event icon is displayed at the point at which the alarm occurred, together with the alarm time and tag, e.g.
If more than one alarm occurs in the same sample period:
– and a second alarm on a channel becomes active, its icon is added behind the first.
– and more than one operator message is active (max. 24), a second icon is added behind the first.
– the new alarm event icons appear to the left of earlier icons.
– the time and tag of the oldest alarm (right-most icon) only is displayed.
4. Alarm Status
– Flashing alarm event icon – alarm active and unacknowledged
– Continuous alarm event icon – alarm active and acknowledged
If any alarm in either process group is active, the Global Alarm status icon (
the status bar – see Fig. 4.3. If any active alarm in either process group is unacknowledged, the icon is surrounded by a flashing border ( ).
) is displayed in
28 IM/SM500F Rev. AA