Page 45 - PBL614 IM/SM500F-EN SM500F ( WIRO)
P. 45

Field mountable paperless recorder
4.7 Alarm Event Log
4 Operation
 The Alarm Event log view provides an historical log of all alarm events in the sequence in which they occurred.
 When the number of entries in the Alarm Event log has reached 200, the oldest data is overwritten by the newest. Entries are renumbered so that the number of the oldest entry is always 00.
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                  Fig. 4.7 Alarm Event Log
Key to Fig. 4.7:
a Tag of the alarm's source.
b Alarm becomes active (Active transition). c Alarm becomes inactive (Inactive transition). d Operator message.
e Oldest data – press the
f Alarm acknowledged.
g Newest data – press the
h Global alarm icon.
 key to view the previous page of data. key to view the next page of data.
  IM/SM500F Rev. AA

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