Page 47 - PBL614 IM/SM500F-EN SM500F ( WIRO)
P. 47
Field mountable paperless recorder
4.8 Totalizer Log
4 Operation
The Totalizer log view is displayed only if the Totalizer option has been enabled in the software.
The Totalizer log view provides an historical log of totalizer activity. To view the current totalizer
status, choose the Indicator view.
When the number of entries in the Totalizer log has reached 200, the oldest data is overwritten by the newest. Entries are renumbered so that the number of the oldest entry is always 00.
The logging of totalizer values can be triggered at pre-determined intervals and/or by digital signal – see 'Log update', page 109.
Fig. 4.8 Totalizer Log
Key to Fig. 4.8:
a Log entry number.
b Totalizer icon.
c Batch total at the time of the event.
d Maximum, minimum and average of the value being totalized at the time of the event. e F0 totalizer entry – see Section 7.8.6, page 112.
f Oldest data – press the key to view the previous page of data.
g Date/time at which the maximum and minimum flowrates occurred.
h Newest data – press the key to view the next page of data.
Note. Maximum, minimum and average statistics are not shown unless enabled in the 'Filter' menu – see page 46.
IM/SM500F Rev. AA