Page 23 - Present Tense Paal Intro unit 2 130720
P. 23
Moving from Singular to Plural
Remember the present tense masculine sound pattern ..O..E.. (m)
For plural masculine we add the ending …IM, and we also soften the
E.. sound, thus therefore the sound pattern becomes:
..O.. '..IM
In present tense feminine, the sound pattern is ..O..E..ET (f)
For plural feminine, we omit the singular ending ..ET and we add
the ending …OT. We also soften the E.. sound.
Thus therefore the sound pattern becomes:
..O.. '..OT
English PHONETIC (S) PHONETIC (PL) תירבע תירבע
)םיבר( )דיחי(
Study LOMED LOM’DIM םי ִ ד ְמוֹל ד ֵמוֹל
Study LOM’DOT תוֹד ְמוֹל ת ד ֵמוֹל
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