Page 19 - Workbook Taglit-Unit 6-RD-210915-phonetic--V2491-101217-HTML5
P. 19

Unit 6  19

                                                     Unit 6, Track 5

          Situation – Where is the Driver?

Check here whether you filled the blanks correctly.

  Sara    Oh, where's the driver?   OY, EIFO         ?‫ ֵאי ֹפה ַה ַנ ָהג‬,‫אֹוי‬
Stranger  I don't know. Maybe in                             .‫ל ֹא יֹו ֵד ַע‬
          the restrooms.            LO YODEA.         .‫אּו ַלי ּ ַב ֵשרּו ִתים‬
  Sara                              ULAY
Stranger  Where is the              BASHERUTIM.       ?‫ֵאי ֹפה ַה ַמ ְׂד ִריְך‬
  Sara    Right here.               EIFO                      .‫ִה ֵנה ֹפה‬
Madrikh   Oh, great.                HA’MADRIKH?               .‫ ֹי ִפי‬,‫אֹו‬
          What's going on?                                 ?‫ָמה קֹורה‬
  Sara    Cool, everything's fine.  HINEH PO.        .‫ ַה ֹכל טֹוב‬.‫ַסּ ָבּ ָבה‬
          Do you know where                          ‫ַאָּתה יֹו ֵד ַע ֵאי ֹפה‬
Madrikh   the driver is?            OH, YOFI.
  Sara                                                          ?‫ַה ַנ ָהג‬
          Yes, there.               MA KORE?
                                                              .‫ ָשם‬,‫ֵכן‬
                                    SABABA.                    .‫ַא ְׂח ָלה‬
                                    HA’KOL TOV.
                                    ATA YODEA

                                    KEN, SHAM.

          Cool.                     AKHLA.

Now watch the video again and get prepared to act it out.

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                        .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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