Page 22 - Ulpan-Or: Verbs-Present Tense, UNIT5-HIFEEL 021117-V2310-NPW
P. 22
Binyan Hif’eel – Infinitive Form
7. Act Out
Exercise: Act out the dialogue in Hebrew while looking at the
English text. Use other names than in the original dialogue when
acting out.
ׁ ֵשם ֹּפ ַעל, ִב ְנ ָיין ִה ְפ ִעיל:ִסיפּור
Shalom, I am Michael from America.
I want to start to study Hebrew,
because I want to feel that I speak Hebrew well.
I also want very much to understand Spanish,
because my friend Julio is supposed to arrive in Israel from
Argentina and he wants to invite me to his house.
I need to get to his house this week and I want to speak Spanish,
because I want to get to know Julio better.
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. העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן