Page 57 - IL-Unit 10-RE-101016
P. 57
IL, Unit 10
"?ַה ָּמקֹור ְל" ֵס ֶדר ט"ּו ִבׁ ְש ָּבט?
Kabbalists ?ְּמ ֻק ָב ִלים?
to lead, to institute ?ְּל ַה ְּנ ִהיג?
led, instituted (m. pl.) ?ִה ְּנ ִהיגּו?
seder, order ?ֵס ֶדר?
the night of.. (a date in the Jewish
calendar) ?ֵליל = ַל ְּי ָלה?
like, similar
to determine ?ּדֹו ֶמה?
determined (m. pl.) ?ִל ְּקבֹו ַע?
to bless ?ָק ְּבעּו?
Dvar Torah, biblical discourse, ?ְּל ָב ֵרְך?
biblical exegesis ?ִּד ְּב ֵרי תֹו ָרה?
to aim, concentrate on
to repair, correct, amend ?ְּל ַכֵּון?
sin ?ִתקּון?
to sin, sinned (m. sg.) ?ֵח ְּטא?
tree (here - the "Daat" tree from ? ָח ָטא?,?ַל ֲחטֹוא?
Genesis) ?ִאי ָלן = ֵעץ?
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