Page 4 - E-Tone (02-12-19) Low_level
P. 4
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #1 (Low-Intermediate Level)
Now listen again and check your answers.
Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new
Talking Dictionary – אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט
English עברית English עברית 1
to call )ְל ַצ ְל ֵצל ( ִפ ֵעל 6 to go up )ַל ֲעלֹות ( ָפ ַעל
will attend (m. sg) עֹו ֶלה ְל ִכ ָתה
to send )ִל ְשֹל ַח ( ָפ ַעל
to open )ִל ְפ ֹּת ַח ( ֹּפ ַעל 7 grade, classroom ִכ ָתה
opens (f. sg.)
group פֹו ַת ַחת 8 parent(s) הֹו ִרים, הֹו ֶרה3
to think ְקבּו ָצה
think (m. pl.) )ַל ְח ֹּשב ( ָפ ַעל 9 together ְב ַי ַחד4
חֹו ְש ִבים
10 stupid ִט ְפ ִשים, ִט ֵפש5
Page 4 - Edition 08-07-18
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