Page 16 - Ulpan-Or: Dialogues, Unit-6-dial-16-18 191015-V2313-NPW
P. 16

Dialogues – Unit 6

‫ המחזת הדיאלוג‬:‫פעילות מסכמת בכיתה‬

Exercise 7: In pairs, translate 8-10 lines from the dialogue into Hebrew row by
row, each translating his or her part. Translate the whole dialogue if you are up
for the challenge. Then act out the dialogue in front of your classmates.

1 Aunt Ruthie?                                                                                        :‫דניאל‬

2 Yes Danny?                                                                                            ‫דודה‬
    I want to send (my) CV to a polling                                                               :‫דניאל‬
    company. Can you read my CV? I don’t

3 know what (I) need to write in a CV in


    Yes, sure. Well… I need to see what you                                                           ‫דודה‬
    wrote. You wrote (your) personal details;                                                         :‫רותי‬
    you wrote (about) education; you wrote

4 (about) work experience; you wrote

    (about) languages… excellent. Do you
    have references from your manager in
    New York?

5 Yes, but they’re in English.                                                                        :‫דניאל‬

    It’s better than nothing. It’s always good                                                          ‫דודה‬
6 to send references.

7 Thanks, Auntie.                                                                                        :‫דניאל‬
8 You’re welcome, sweetie. Good luck.                                                                      ‫דודה‬
     Yael the secretary invites Daniel to an
9 interview.                                                                                          :‫המזכירה‬

     Hello, is this Daniel Levy? This is Yael,
     from the polling company. You sent us a

11 CV. Do you want to come for an

     interview tomorrow, at 12:00 at noon?

11 Yes, thank you very much. What is your                                                                :‫דניאל‬

     address?                                                                                                ‫יעל‬
12 35 Yafo Street, third floor. Good Luck!

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