Page 17 - NL-2020-unit 10 - summary_Neat 240422
P. 17

Novice-Low         17      Unit 10

                           Listen to the audio again and check your answers!

         Person       English                                                                              תי ִר ְב ִע

         Buyer:       Excuse me, is there sushi here?                                     ?י ִשׁוּס   הֹפּ  שֵּׁי ,ה ָחיִל ְס

         Seller:      Sushi? Are you kidding?                                               !? םוֹאתפּ   ְ ִ  ה ָמ  ?י ִשׁוּס

                      Too bad. I really (very) want (f) sushi.                      .י ִשׁוּס הָצוֹר ד וֹ א ְמ יִנֲא .לָבֲח
                      Maybe there is a little bit of sushi?                                 ?י ִשׁוּס   תָצ ְק  שֵּׁי   יַלוּא

         Seller:      No, there is no sushi here!                                             !י ִשׁוּס הֹפּ   ןי ֵּא  ,אל

         Buyer:       No kidding! There is no sushi in Israel?                       ?ל ֵּא ָר ְשִי ְב י ִשׁוּס ןי ֵּא ? הָלא   ָו

                      There is sushi in Israel. There is no                                   .ל ֵּא ָר ְשִי ְב י ִשׁוּס   שֵּׁי
                      sushi here!                                                                  !הֹפּ י ִשׁוּס ןי ֵּא

         Buyer:       Oh, I understand (f). What is there here?                     ?הֹפּ שֵּׁי ה ָמ . הָני ִב ְמ  יִנ ֲא ,ה ָא

         Seller:      There's shawarma, falafel, kebab...                          ...בַב ַק ,לֶֽפאָלָפ ,ה ָמ ְראַו ָשׁ שֵּׁי

                      Oh, cool! I want (f) shawarma in pita                    ה ָמ ְראַו ָשׁ ה ָצוֹר יִנֲא !הָבַב ַס ,ה ָא
                                                                                                              ִ ָ
         Buyer:                                                                     הֵּב ְר ַה ם ִע , ה ָשׁ ָקַב ְב  התי   פּ ְב
                      bread please, with a lot of tahini.
                                                                                                          .הָני ִח ְט
         Seller:      Do you (f) also want a salad?                                          ?טָלס   ָ  םַג  הָצוֹר  ְת ַא

         Buyer:       Just a little bit!                                                                !תָצק   ְ  ק ַר

         Seller:      Okay. Here you go!                                                        !ה ָשׁ ָקַב ְב .יק - ֵּ  וֹא

         Buyer:       Thanks! How much is it?                                                    ?ה    ֶֽז  ה ָמַכ  ,ה ָדוֹת

         Seller:      32 shekels.                                                     .     םיִל ָקשׁ   ְ  םִיַנשׁוּ   ְ  םי ִשׁוֹל ְשׁ

         Buyer:       Here is 50 shekels.                                                .     םיִל ָקשׁ   ְ  םי ִש ִמח    ִה
                                                                                                              ֵּנ ה   ֲ

         Seller:      Here is 18 shekels.                                           .    םיִל ָקשׁ   ְ  ר ָשָע הָנוֹמשׁ   ְ   הֵּנ ִה

         Buyer:       Thanks! Goodbye!                                                        !תוֹא ָר ְת ִהְל !ה ָדוֹת

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