Page 8 - WB-NM-Unit-4-RB2-170816
P. 8
Novice-Mid, Unit 4
Now check the plural form for terms for family members.
English ? ַר ִבים?-?ִע ְב ִרית? ? ָּי ִחיד?- ?ִע ְב ִרית?
father ?ָּאבֹות? ?ַא ָּבא?
mother ?ִא ָּמהֹות? ?ִא ָּמא?
parent ?הֹו ִרים? ?הֹו ֶרה?
sister ?ַא ִחים? ?ָּאח?
family ?א ָּחיֹות? ?ָּאחֹות?
dog ?ִמְׁש ָּפחֹות? ?ִמְׁש ָּפ ָּחה?
?ְכ ָּל ִבים? ?ֶכ ֶלב?
?ָּחתּו ִלים? ?ָּחתּול?
Exercise: Write the following questions in Hebrew. Answer the questions
in Hebrew in the chart following the example.
Question in English Answer in Question in
Do you have (m) Hebrew Hebrew
brothers? .? ֵיש ִלי ַא ִחים?,?ֵכן? ??ֵיׁש ְלָך ַא ִחים?
Is your (f) family big?
Do you have (m) a dog?
Are they (f. pl.) sisters?
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