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P. 28

3.                                      14
                                                                                               Track 3


                                        ַ ַַַַַַַַַַַַַַַַַַ

    ַ Vocabularyַ–ַ‫אֹוצַרַ ִמ ִלים‬

    Now check your answers, be assisted by the vocabulary list

               English                  ‫ִע ְּב ִרית‬

    to ask                                      )‫לשאול (פעל‬
    don't ask (f. sg.)                             ‫ַאל ִת ְּש ֲא ִלי‬
    to bring
    will bring (m. sg.)                      )‫ְּל ָה ִביא (הפעיל‬
    I don't care                                         ‫ָי ִביא‬
    to look
    don't look (f. sg.)                          ‫ִלי ל ֹא ִא ְּכ ַפת‬
    star(s)                               )‫להסתכל (התפעל‬
    don't look at the stars (don't try
    to predict the future)                        ‫ַאל ִת ְּס ַת ְּכ ִלי‬
    to disappear
    will disappear (pl.)                        ‫ כֹו ָכ ִבים‬,‫כֹו ָכב‬
    as always, as usual                 ‫ַאל ִת ְּס ַת ְּכ ִלי ַבכֹו ָכ ִבים‬
    to remain, to stay
    we will remain, we will stay              )‫ְּל ֵהי ָע ֵלם (נפעל‬
    but                                                 ‫ֵי ָע ְּלמּו‬
    voice of your laughter
    to be playing (music)                              ‫ְּכ ָת ִמיד‬
    is playing (music) inside me              )‫ְּל ִה ָש ֵאר (נפעל‬
    to go late
    will go late (m. sg.)                              ‫ִני ָש ֵאר‬

                                                   ‫קֹול ְּצחֹו ֵקְך‬
                                            )‫להתנגן (התפעל‬

                                                     ‫ִבי ִמ ְּת ַנ ֵגן‬
                                          )‫להתאחר (התפעל‬

                                                       ‫ִי ְּת ַא ֵחר‬

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                  .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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