Page 4 - Tu-Bishvat-2017-flow_Neat-Html5
P. 4


Track 1

         "‫ָמבֹוא – ַה ָמקֹור ְל" ֵס ֶדר ט"ּו ִּב ְש ָבט‬

         Kabbalists                                           ‫מקבלים‬
         to lead, to institute                                 ‫להנהיג‬
         led, instituted (m. pl.)                              ‫הנהיגּו‬
         seder, order                                             ‫סדר‬
         the night of.. (a date in the Jewish
         calendar)                                         ‫ליל = לילה‬

         like, similar                                           ‫ּדֹומה‬
         to determine                                           ‫לקבֹוע‬
         determined (m. pl.)                                     ‫קבעּו‬
         to bless                                          ‫ּדברי ּתֹורה‬
         Dvar Torah, biblical discourse,
         biblical exegesis                                        ‫לכּון‬
         to aim, concentrate on                                  ‫חטא‬
         to repair, correct, amend                       ‫ חטא‬,‫לחטֹוא‬
         sin                                                ‫אילן = עץ‬
         to sin, sinned (m. sg.)
         tree (here - the "Daat" tree from
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