Page 4 - Tu-Bishvat-2017-flow_Neat-Html5
P. 4
Track 1
"ָמבֹוא – ַה ָמקֹור ְל" ֵס ֶדר ט"ּו ִּב ְש ָבט
Kabbalists מקבלים
to lead, to institute להנהיג
led, instituted (m. pl.) הנהיגּו
seder, order סדר
the night of.. (a date in the Jewish
calendar) ליל = לילה
like, similar ּדֹומה
to determine לקבֹוע
determined (m. pl.) קבעּו
to bless ּדברי ּתֹורה
Dvar Torah, biblical discourse,
biblical exegesis לכּון
to aim, concentrate on חטא
to repair, correct, amend חטא,לחטֹוא
sin אילן = עץ
to sin, sinned (m. sg.)
tree (here - the "Daat" tree from