Page 4 - Ulpan-Or: e-Tone 01-26-16, Low-Intermediate Level
P. 4
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #1 (Low Intermediate Level)
Now listen again and check your answers.
Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new
Talking Dictionary – אוֹ ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט
with easy reading nikkud – ְׁב ִּנּקּוד ִּל ְׁק ִּריָאה ַּק ָלה
English עבריתEnglish עברית
to get into
) ְׁל ִּה ָכ ֵנס ְׁל ( ִּנ ְׁפ ַּעל6 Chief of Staff ָר ַּמ ְׁט ָכ"ל1
ֶּד ֶּרְך7 to decide )ְׁל ַּה ְׁח ִּליט ( ִּה ְׁפ ִּעיל 2
to call decide (m. pl.) ַּמ ְׁח ִּלי ִּטים
call (m. pl.)
Affair )ִּל ְׁק ֹּרא ְׁל ( ָפ ַּעל 8 to close ) ִּל ְׁס ֹּגר ֶּאת ( ָפ ַּעל3
ק ֹּו ְׁר ִּאים
clean, cleared
ָפ ָר ָשה9 case ִּתיק4
ָנ ִּקי10 to think )ַּל ְׁח ֹּשב ֶּש ( ָפ ַּעל 5
think (m. pl.) ח ֹּו ְׁש ִּבים
Page 4 - Edition 01-26-16
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