Page 13 - Ulpan-Or: Verbs Present, Unit 1- Piel 010815-V237-NPW
P. 13

01        CD1
                         Introduction  Track 3

Verb Groups – Binyanim

The Hebrew word for verb is ‫ ּפ ַעל‬-POAL, which is derived from the root
‫( פעל‬PA’AL) - do, act.

Each verb group - Binyan is called by a name which incorporates the root ‫ פעל‬in the

particular and unique way in which it is conjugated and pronounced in the past tense
- third person masculine.

Each Binyan has its unique music which is represented by the vowels associated with

the letters ‫פ ע ל‬.

The verbs associated with each Binyan have the same music as the name of the
Binyan and this will be helpful in remembering the verb conjugation.

The first Binyan from the right on the Verb Menorah is named - ‫ ּ ָפ ַעל‬and it includes

verbs such as:

  ‫ָכ ַתב ָל ַמד ָע ַבד ׁ ָש ַמע ָיׁ ַשב‬


All of these verbs have the vowels A... A... in third person in

the past tense, which are the same sounds as in the name of

Binyan ‫ – ּ ָפ ַעל‬PA’AL

The rest of the Binyanim are similarly named. They too are distinguished by the
vowels (music) in past tense - third person masculine.

Therefore, the verbs representing each Binyan in the Menorah have the same "music"
in past tense - third person masculine as the name of each Binyan. (See chart on the
next page).

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                                .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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