Page 57 - Inter-Mid-Unit 4-RB-New-10-07-2016
P. 57

                                       IM-Unit 4

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the
new vocabulary.

      Talking Dictionary – ?אֹו ַצר ִמּ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט?

to exchange      ? ְׁל ַה ְׁח ִליף?6 couple                     ? זּוג?1
exchange (m.      )?( ִה ְׁפ ִעיל?
pl.)            ?ַמ ְׁח ִלי ִפים?                              ? ֵבית?2
to suggest         ? ְׁל ַה ִצי ַע?7 orphanage             ?ְׁיתֹו ִמים?
suggest (m.       )?( ִה ְׁפ ִעיל?                     )? ְׁל ַגלֹות ( ִפ ֵעל?3
pl.)             ?ַמ ִצי ִעים?                              ?ְׁמ ַג ִלים?
to test       )? ִל ְׁב ֹּדק ( ָּפ ַעל?8 to realize    ? ַּת ֲא ִריְך ֵל ָּדה?4
test (n.)         ? ְׁב ִדי ָּקה?realize (m. pl.)       ? ֵזהֹות?,? ֵז ָּהה?5
to overcome   ? ְׁל ִה ְׁת ַג ֵבר ַעל?9 birth date        ?ְּׁתאֹומֹות?
                 )?( ִה ְׁת ַפ ֵעל?
difficulty                                                  ?ֵזהֹות?
language             ? ֹּק ִשי?10 identical
barrier        ? ְׁק ָּש ֵיי ָּש ָּפה?identical twins

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