Page 15 - Verbs-Present-Unit-4 Paal - Group 3 260815-V237-NPW
P. 15

05                                                          CD3
                      Binyan Pa’al, Group 3 – Infinitive Form                                           Track 4

 Pa'al – Group 3: Helping Verbs and Adverbs
Use of Helping Verbs with Pa’al, Group 3 Verbs

Let’s now see how we use helping verbs and adverbs with verbs in this

Love / Like          Need      Can / Able to  Want
    ‫אֹו ֵהב‬          ‫ָצ ִריְך‬        ‫ָיכֹול‬   ‫רֹו ֶצה‬


        I need to buy a coke – ‫ֲא ִני ָצ ִריְך ִל ְקנֹות קֹו ָלה‬

Exercise: Now make your own sentences using the different infinitives

from Binyan Pa’al, Group 3 with the helping verbs.

Use of Helping Adverbs with Pa’al, Group 3 Verbs

It's It's not  It's            It's It's It's It's It's

Fun worthwhile worthwhile impossible possible hard easy good
‫טֹוב ַקל ָקׁ ֶשה ֶא ְפׁ ָשר ִאי ֶא ְפׁ ָשר ְכ ַדאי ל ֹּא ְכ ַדאי ֵכיף‬


          It’s good to see you – ‫טֹוב ִל ְראֹות אֹו ְתָך‬

Exercise: Now make your own sentences using the different infinitives

            from Binyan Pa’al, Group 3 with the helping adverbs.

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              .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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