Page 4 - ulpan Or: e-Tone 03-01-16 High Intermediate Level
P. 4

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                    Item #1 (High-Intermediate Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

         Talking Dictionary – ‫אוֹ ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

English              ‫עברית‬                 English               ‫עברית‬
to discover     )‫ְׁל ַגּל ֹות ( ִפ ֵעל‬  6 to pass            )‫ַל ֲע ֹבר (פ ַעל‬
discovered (m.
sg.)                    ‫ִגּלה‬              passed (f. sg.)        ‫ ע ְׁברה‬1

alarming        ‫ ַמ ְׁד ִאיג‬7 to wander                      ‫ְׁל ִה ְׁסּת ֹו ֵבב ְׁב‬  2
                              wandered (m. sg.)                 )‫( ִה ְׁת ַפ ֵעל‬      3
advanced                                                        ‫ִה ְׁסּת ֹו ֵבב‬       4
                ,‫ִמ ְׁת ַק ֵדם‬          8 to check                                    5
human rights    ‫ִמ ְׁת ַק ֶּד ֶּמת‬         checked (m. sg.)  )‫ִל ְׁב ֹדק (פ ַעל‬
                                                                    ‫ב ַדק‬
to notice       ‫ ְׁז ֻכּי ֹות ָאדם‬9 to react
                                   react (m. pl.)                ‫ְׁלה ִגיב ְׁל‬
                                                                 )‫( ִה ְׁפ ִעיל‬
                  ‫ ל ִשים ֵלב‬10 ISIS                             ‫ְׁמ ִגי ִבים‬
                                                                 ‫ד ֵעא"ש‬

                                 Page 4 - Edition 03-01-16

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