Page 9 - Ulpan-Or e-Tone 02-23-16, Low Intermediate Level
P. 9

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                     Item #2 (Low-Intermediate Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

         Talking Dictionary – ‫אוֹ ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

English                     ‫עברית‬          English                   ‫עברית‬       1
                                        6 minister, Foreign  ‫ ָשרי ַּהחּוץ‬,‫ַּשר‬  2
to get into        )‫לה ָכנס ל (נפ ַּעל‬                                           3
                                           Ministers         )‫לה ָפגׁש (נפ ַּעל‬  4
military              ‫מב ָצע צ ָבאי‬     7 to meet                   ‫נפ ָגׁשים‬    5
to agree              ‫ל ַּהסכים ַּעל‬       meet (m. pl.)     ‫ ֲהרּוגים‬,‫ָהרּוג‬
agree (m. pl.)             )‫(הפעיל‬
                                        8 casualty,              ‫להת ַּיחס ל‬
to accept               ‫ַּמסכימים‬          casualties              )‫(הת ַּפעל‬
accepts (m. sg.)
                   )‫ל ַּקבל ֶּאת (פעל‬   9 to treat               ‫מת ַּי ֲחסים‬
to fight                     ‫מ ַּקבל‬       treat (m. pl.)
fighting (m. sg.)                                                    ‫מש ָחק‬
                   ‫לה ָלחם ב‬
                      )‫ (נפ ַּעל‬10 game
                       ‫נל ָחם‬

                                 Page 9 - Edition 02-23-16

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