Page 15 - Workbook-IH-Unit 2-RA-FP_Neat
P. 15
Intermediate-High, Unit 2
Exercise: Act out the dialogue in Hebrew while looking at the
English text. Use other names than in the original dialogue when
acting out.
Gal: Dad…
Dad: Yes.
Gal: I want to be an astronaut. I want to fly to the moon.
Dad: Maybe you’ll fly to America? It’s closer.
Gal: Maybe I’ll fly to America too, but I’ll surely fly to the moon.
Dad: But it’s boring on the moon. There are no people there.
Gal: Now there are no people there, but maybe in 10 years, people will live on the
Dad: Who will live on the moon?
Gal: A lot of people - astronauts and astronomers…And maybe I’ll live there too.
Dad: No, don’t live on the moon! The moon is far from dad and mom.
Gal: Well, what’s the problem? You’ll come [to] visit.
Dad: How will we come?
Gal: What’s the problem? You’ll fly in a spaceship. You’ll come visit me every
month, and you’ll bring me a lot of presents.
Dad: Where will you put the presents?
Gal: What’s the problem? I will put them in my house, on the moon.
Dad: But there’s no gravitation on the moon. The gifts will fly off to space.
Gal: Oh, right… Okay. So maybe you’ll bring me chocolate. I can eat the
chocolate quickly, before it flies off to space. It’s not a problem.
Dad: Ahh, I understand. It’s not a problem to come visit on the moon, it’s not a
problem to bring gifts… But there’s one more problem - who will you fight
with on the moon?
Gal: Who will I fight with? I don’t understand.
Dad: Here, in Israel, you fight with your brothers and sometimes with (your)
friends. Your brothers and friends will live in Israel, but you’ll live alone, on
the moon… How will you fight?
Gal: I don’t know how we’ll fight! That’s really a problem.
Dad: So maybe you won’t live on the moon? Maybe you’ll just fly to visit there?
Gal: You know what? Okay. I won’t live on the moon, but on one condition.
Dad: Yes.
Gal: Will you sing me a song about the moon?
Dad: Very well. I will (sing).
(Dad sings off key)
Gal: Ahm… dad? Don’t sing. I won’t fly, really, just don’t sing.
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