Page 14 - Ulpan-Or: Songs-Basic Level 310815-V2310-NPW
P. 14

14                                             CD1
                                                                                                     Track 4
Now check your answers, be assisted by the vocabulary list

English                             ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬

summer                                 ‫ק ִיץ‬
fall                                 ‫ְס ָתיו‬
spring                               ‫ָא ִביב‬
whatever is now           ‫ֶאת מה ׁ ֶשע ְכׁ ָשיו‬
Galit (a name of a girl)              ‫ג ִלית‬
mainly                               ‫ְּב ִע ָקר‬
braids                                 ‫ִעם‬
the one with                         ‫צמֹות‬
freckles                      ‫ֶאת ז ֹאת ִעם‬
dimples                            ‫ְנ ָמׁ ִשים‬
mom                                 ‫גּוּמֹות‬
dad                                   ‫ִא ָמא‬
kindergarten teacher                  ‫אּ ָבא‬
aunt                                  ‫ג ֶנ ֶנת‬
most of all                          ‫דֹו ָדה‬
me                             ‫ֲה ִכי ה ְרּ ֵבה‬
                                     ‫אֹו ִתי‬

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