Page 21 - Ulpan-Or: Songs-Basic Level 310815-V2310-NPW
P. 21
Track 6
Now check your answers, be assisted by the vocabulary list
English ִע ְב ִרית
the most beautiful in ֲה ִכי ָי ָפה ְּב
eyes ֵעינ ִיים
braid צ ָמה
mouth ֶפה
as much as …ּכ ָמה ש
to look at
are looking at (pl.) )ְלהִּביט (הפעיל
at her מִּבי ִטים
the more one looks at her
one can see that there is ִהיא+ ּ ָבה = ּב
nothing to argue [talk] about ּכ ָמה ׁ ֶשמִּבי ִטים ּ ָבה יֹו ֵתר
to smile
smiles (f. sg.) רֹו ִאים ׁ ֶש ֵאין מה ְלדּ ֵבר
sad (f. sg.)
and when she is sad )ְלח ֵיְך (פיעל
how can one be sad ְמח ֶי ֶכת
ֲעצּו ָבה
*ּו ְכׁ ֶש ִהיא ֲעצּו ָבה
ֵאיְך ֶא ְפׁ ָשר ִל ְהיֹות ֲעצּו ָבה
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