Page 28 - Ulpan-Or: Songs-Basic Level 310815-V2310-NPW
P. 28
28 CD1
Track 8
Now check your answers, be assisted by the vocabulary list
English ִע ְב ִרית
I and you ֲא ִני ְוא ָתה
we will change ְנׁש ֶנה
the world ָהעֹו ָלם
then ָאז
will come (pl.) ָיבֹואּו
already ְּכ ָבר
everybody ּכּו ָלם
they said it ָא ְמרּו ֶאת ֶזה
earlier קֹו ֶדם
before me ְל ָפני
it doesn't matter ל ֹא ְמׁש ֶנה
from the beginning ֵמה ְת ָח ָלה
we will try from the beginning ְננ ֶסה ֵמה ְת ָח ָלה
bad רע
we will have a difficult time ִי ְה ֶיה ָלנּו רע
(lit. - It will be bad for us)
ֵאין ָד ָבר
it doesn't matter
it's not so terrible ֶזה ל ֹא נֹו ָרא
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