Page 42 - Ulpan-Or: Songs-Basic Level 310815-V2310-NPW
P. 42

42 CD1

                                                                                                 Track 12

Now check your answers, be assisted by the vocabulary list

             English          ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬

not anymore                                 ‫ְּכ ָבר ל ֹא‬

to get dressed                  )‫ְל ִה ְתלּ ֵבׁש (התפעל‬
get dressed (m. sg.)                        ‫ִמ ְתלּ ֵבׁש‬
alone                                           ‫ְלבד‬

to undress                      )‫ְל ִה ְתפׁ ֵשט (התפעל‬
undress (m. sg.)                           ‫ִמ ְתפׁ ֵשט‬
to dream
dream (m. sg.)                        )‫ל ְחלֹום (פעל‬
to cry                                         ‫חֹו ֵלם‬
cry (m. sg.)
to laugh                              )‫ִל ְבּכֹות (פעל‬
laugh (m. sg.)                                 ‫ּבֹו ֶכה‬
all sorts of things
                                      )‫ִל ְצחֹוק (פעל‬
to do, to make                                 ‫צֹו ֵחק‬
I’ll do it alone (on my own)
to be                               ‫ּ ָכל ִמי ִני ְד ָב ִרים‬
when I (will) grow up
when nobody is….                             ‫ל ֲעשֹות‬
                                        ‫ֶא ֱע ֶשה ְלבד‬
to see
see (m. sg.)                                  ‫ִל ְהיֹות‬
to stop                              ‫ְּכׁ ֶש ֶא ֱה ֶיה ָגדֹול‬
stop (m. sg.)                        ‫ְּכׁ ֶשאף ֶא ָחד ל ֹא‬
to rest
rest (m. sg.)                         )‫ִל ְראֹות (פעל‬
to grow                                        ‫רֹו ֶאה‬
growing (m. sg.)
                                       )‫ל ֲעצֹור (פעל‬
                                               ‫עֹו ֵצר‬

                                        )‫ָלנּוח (פעל‬

                                       )‫ִל ְגדֹול (פעל‬
                                                ‫ָג ֵדל‬

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