Page 45 - Workbook-Sefer Dalet Part 1 (13-05-16)
P. 45


On the way home Mother said, "Shira'le, if you have to, tell me
or Father. You must call us before you flush." I sat on the side
and I thought that I had lost ten shekels, because even if the coin
would come out the "natural way", I will never touch it. I tried to
imagine the foreign object sliding down Shira's throat and
crawling inside.

When we returned home I approached the book shelf and took the
book that Father bought me in the last "Book Week",
'Encyclopedia of the human body for children'. I saw in it
disgusting pictures of cut up people, and Father said that they are
not really cut up, it is just drawn like that in order to see all the
organs that they have inside. The drawings in the book were
different from the photos that they did to Shira, because they were
[in] with colors and they had explanations. I thought how much
fun it could have been if I had x-ray glasses. It could simply [have
been] be great. Because I could [have seen] see everything in

All evening we waited for Shira's poop, and even Grandmother
called to ask if it had already happened. Shira and I did not laugh
anymore when they said poop, because after a while it was no
longer funny.
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